ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Set phasers to stun or go Lone Ranger and shoot the gun/knife out of their hands.

Technology will save us? Nah.

24 hour tempbans could work.


I don’t have anything serious to say sadly. I have exactly 0 expertise. My last physical fight was probably elementary school. Never shot a gun and pretty much have only seen muskets fired live.

Certainly the overall presence of guns in our society is a huge problem. What a cop should do in that situation is a conundrum. I’d love to have non lethal options

More than half of respondents – 54% – said they believed “law and order is the most important thing to ensure, even if it means limiting peaceful protests.” That answer soared to 73% among Republicans and ticked down to 43% among Democrats. Independents were at exactly half. On the flip side, 38% said the right to protest is paramount, even if violent incidents result, with 53% of Democrats, 36% of independents and 22% of Republicans agreeing.

Of those surveyed, 40% overall said they believed Floyd’s death was murder – with 26% of Republicans and 51% of Democrats agreeing — while 32% overall viewed the circumstances around his death as negligence on the part of Chauvin. Few – 11% – said they believed Chauvin’s actions were an accident and 5% said he did nothing wrong.

It’s worth it to make sure she’s an angel before we shoot. If she dies, I’m sure it was the fentanyl in her system that did her in.

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It didn’t seem like that at all from the video. Very targeted.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that a person with a knife is an inherent threat that must be neutralized ASAP.

The context is that the cops were specifically responding to a complaint of that someone was trying to stab them and happened upon a scene where a person attacked one person right in from of them and appeared to be in the process of attacking another person with a knife. They should go into that situation already thinking about their decision tree and what does and does not justify various levels of force.

Does a cop with a gun require perfect information to act or are there scenarios where they need to act with imperfect information? I would say there are such scenarios and that cops are often too quick to assume they are in such a scenario. Having first worked out that framework for decision-making, we can then ask whether Columbus was one such scenario. Based on what I have seen in the body cam footage, I lean towards yes.

Wouldn’t matter. I’ll always take my chances against someone with a knife over someone shooting in my direction at someone right in front of me.

Now if it were a SEAL with the gun instead of a rando cop…

The real question is, who wins - bat or knife?

This is where I’m at today. All that money and no stab-proof uniforms. Serve and protect, come on now.

How people imagine cops are/how they imagine themselves/how they should be:

How they actually are:


I’m imagining a firefighter donning all that gear and then like shooting a hose from half a block away. You can do that in socks and sandals.


Could he have tried shooting into the air? Does she still get shot if she is white?

I see this as a question of whether a sin of commission is worse than a sin of ommission.

It’s impossible to come up with a system that doesn’t sometimes lead to a bad result. I think that the best possible procedure will still lead to some mistakes made due to acting on incomplete information. I think that some people have a results-oriented expectation of a perfect system with no bad results and are overly critical when that doesn’t happen.

This isn’t a scenario where the cops where shoot first and ask questions later. A gun isn’t drawn until after Bryant has apparently attacked one girl and gone after another.

Don’t some police units carry bean bag shotguns?

Despite going for laughs with those posts, overall I’m not joking in the slightest: Set everything else aside and there’s this overarching theme in cop stories in that they, and most everybody else, expect a hard job to always be as easy as possible. This is an expectation not granted, not even considered, for any other job ever.

I’ve watched almost all this youtuber’s videos below (as a storyteller he has this weirdly captivating charisma, and the flannel and trucker hat is part of it) and half the series “places you CAN’T GO” is talking about employees being forced into doing ridiculously dangerous shit, with horrific consequences. I’m even putting a trigger warning because some are that horrific.

I mean, let that sink in. A youtuber who wanted to tell miniature horror stories found that in addition to unsolved mysteries and claimed hauntings and other standard genre fare, a goldmine was “people going to work in USA#1”. Look at that screenshot, that’s not a ghost or a goblin.

I am firmly on team Make Sure The Other Girl Doesn’t Get Stabbed, but the job is Serve And Protect. That’s the job. Serving and protecting all the citizens, even the ones who are, gasp, committing crimes. Get in there and potentially take a stab or two, the job still wouldn’t crack the top20 most dangerous.


the girl in pink is getting shot like 25+% of the time here.


Yes, but they are less effective than Tazers and too large to be carried routinely.

No comments on that insane poll? Questions must have been dumb if only 53% of democrats think it was murder

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And if I recall that one doesn’t involve a worker traditionally seen as expendable. He has another one where he talks about how temp workers have their benefits provided by the temp agency so the actual job employer is, uh, more than a little lax with placing worker safety as a priority. (this is one of the more horrific ones, trigger warning if anybody searches it out)

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I got your cat out of the tree but the cat might be dead and also your tree is now chopped down.

-a firefighter probably