ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Every officer involved shooting should be investigated by an independent body. Not the local PD or the one in the next county or the local DA.

Seems like a bad example for that team (of which I too am a member).

What exactly should the cop have done, at a moment’s notice, in a situation in which a girl is being stabbed?

It’s perhaps the cleanest example yet of the need for a trained police force. Dangerous situation, requiring deadly force to save innocent life from imminent deadly attack.

No social worker is nor should be trained to navigate this situation.

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I think the swiftness with which Columbus has released body cam footage is a model for how police should hold themselves accountable and we should be judgmental towards departments who take significantly longer to release information because it suggests they are hiding something.

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The word “guess” is doing too much work.

This is more like you have 2nd nuts on wet board and it’s massively negative EV to fold, and opponent shows you nuts. Time to fold.

It’s kind of odd that copcam footage isn’t immediately in the public record.

Talking down the knife wielding girl who already ignored commands to stand down and accelerated her violent approach with a deadly weapon to a defenseless victim.

You have omitted a key detail in this narrative: ignoring police command to stand down.


The bodycam video was released and the officer clearly identifies himself and tells the girl to stop.

If someone is coming at me with a knife and you’re standing behind them and ask me if I want you to shoot them, I’m gonna say NO! I’ll take my chances fending off the knife until you and others can help me out rather than risk you missing and shootimg me or even that the bullet goes right thru them and into me

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I can nitpick this too, but I feel like we’ve gone on a tangent, and I have to bow out anyway and get back to some work that I was doing. So instead I’ll just say that the points you’ve made ITT are food for thought even if they don’t end up swaying me.


What if it’s a Marine wielding a Ka-Bar?

Rushed the 15 year old. The odds are strongly in favor of there being two living people in that situation instead of one if the cop rushes the 15 year old. Fifteen year olds aren’t supposed to be better at hand to hand combat than cops. Once he gets there it should be over pretty quickly.

The calculation that the other kid was going to be absolutely dead in the time it took for the cop to do something other than shoot a gun was a bad one IMO. I get why the cop made it, and if I had a gun on my belt and training like him the kid with the knife probably dies… but I don’t even like that option being available when the situation has just started happening.

Obviously you can tune the type of response to the type of call. If some guys just robbed a bank with automatic weapons we can react differently than we do to a call about teenagers fighting.

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If our society agrees that stabbing people is using deadly force should we force victims to assume a greater risk of death for the benefit of the person trying to kill them?

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Ah, ok. I hadn’t seen that.

Grunching like a mf but this discussion is good, everybody should try to relax, the incident in Columbus is not easy to analyze. I mean, yeah, sure, we’d prefer if nothing heinous happened, and if it did, it was so obviously heinous (see: George and Chauvin) that the analysis was simple, but none of you were ever promised a rose garden.


Don’t we have enough technical capability to create a weapon, maybe something better and more long-range than a taser, that can suppress violent suspects without killing or maiming them?

Very difficult. Tasers prolly the best we’ll have for a while, and they’re unpredictable.

Would you have the same opinion of a cop if he shot a white woman who was trying to shoot an unarmed black woman in a stand your ground state? Or would we want to see first if the white woman misses or wait for the facts to see if the black girl deserved it?