ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Not if you think some lives don’t really matter.

If this is the attitude of a left leaning forum then Good luck with the 2A reform.


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A few of the people responding aren’t remotely left leaning at least by world standards.


Impossible to tell but if she were attacking someone I deeply cared for the probability increases drastically.

I don’t think you have thought that through. Even if you manage to tackle her she still has a knife and will likely start stabbing you.

I feel confident that a grown man in body armor can restrain a teenage girl with a knife.

Not according to the Supreme Court

That’s my personal opinion and not a legal ruling.

This hasn’t got nearly enough attention in this thread.


What does this mean? People survive multiple gunshot wounds all the time. You think it’s implausible someone survives a single stab?

Let’s assume you or the cop are even close enough to tackle the attacker before she stabs her victim. You don’t think she can still get one or more stabs in before you completely restrained her?

He’s the only mainstream right winger pundit who seems upset.

I think it’s a good outcome when what appears to be an innocent victim is saved.

As is clear from my “terrible” usage, I would hope that this situation never arose. I can think of many worse outcomes than what occurred if the cop acted less definitively.

Why can’t you imagine the girl with the knife as your daughter?

She was attacked earlier and now her position has improved and she has a knife. How did that become a death sentence? Why does the right to self-defense disappear for some people?


I hope I would have taught my daughter to not stab someone.

Sounds like she is not defending herself anymore.

If you are trying to kill someone then someone might try to stop you by any means necessary.


It seems unlikely that she would be justified in using deadly force. Even if somehow she was justified, the cop drops in at the moment right as the stabbing seems about to happen: he just sees someone posing an imminent deadly threat to someone else.

Also, lol at “her position has improved”. “I was punched in the face and my position has now improved (I went home and got my 12 gauge). But now you’re saying I can’t respond? Curious!”

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You said you’re not watching it, so I’ll describe the action. The cops are responding to a complaint that someone is trying to stab them. When they get there, there is a confrontation going on. One girl is either knocked to the ground or falls down while retreating from an attacker. The aggressor then chases after another girl and appears likely to stab her with a knife. Then shots are fired.

Also worth noting that the girl on the ground was kicked just after hitting the ground by a male. Just pointing out that it was a hectic scene.

The cop wasn’t completely alone, which I think I read above from at least one post. You can see two more officers come into the body cam footage 10 seconds after the shooting.

So the cop should have let the other girl get stabbed? If yes, how many times?

Pop quiz hotshot

-33% hit girl w/ knife
-33% hit girl about to get stabbed
-33% miss/hit possible other bystander

you still take the shot?

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I can imagine the cop’s action being justifiable, but OTOH, from the few frames that I saw, the knife-wielder looks like a slow runner. Was she ever actually going to get within stabbing distance of the other girl, who would presumably be running for her life? Does the video show her closing the distance?