ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

This was kinda my point. But there may not have been time, since she was within striking range with the knife. But yes… I’d have taken my chances tackling her. The thing is, cops feel if there’s a danger of them getting so much as a scratch then deadly force is justifiable to them. The thing here, is would the other girl survived the first stab. Maybe not and maybe this cop made the right decision. But I’ve a guy go after a dude with a knife in a bar once and he was stopped without the use of a gun

Non fully functional emotional wrecks aren’t any safer with knives.

That isn’t the issue. The issue is if you are a cop, you are trained to shoot because she has a deadly weapon in her hand and is actively using it.

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They kinda are—20 stabbed all survived.

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Indeed… So when our police force decided to tackle the 13/15 year old emotional wrecks they didn’t use force

“She might survive a stabbing” is an amazing tale.


Impossible for anyone to truly answer this unless they’ve been in similar situations.

I would say this, I would be VERY upset at the officer for not immediately neutralizing the threat if my child was being attacked with a knife.


Guess we have to give cops a few hundred million for de escalation training

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Ok, but I think the question is kind of irrelevant. The question is how our police are trained to deal with these situations, not how a random man on the street would react.

That is just an ignorant perspective. Your options are extremely limited in that situation.

The only way for a good outcome there is if we have massive systemic changes that potentially get those involved help and assistance before it devolved into a knife attack.

Again it’s a huge mistake for people to conflate this with the massive number of problem cases out there.

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You understand those scenarios are greatly different from what happened right?

There were not ten officers there and there was a civilian directly in danger of being stabbed.

That was the first video.


I guess you are cool if the one girl murders the other one in front of you.

I don’t know what you are asking or thinking here.

I think this specific situation, which I assume is relatively common, probably should not have been handled differently. The individual attacking the defenseless party has forfeited the right to be dealt with any differently.

There is plenty to take issue with regarding police training and how the public is engaged. This seems an example of a job, horrible as it is, done well.

So you would just stand there and watch someone get stabbed as that is literally what you did.

I do.

Why not?



Plus it’s a longer reach if the taser is holstered on your off-side. Inconvenient. With quick-draw being such a critical skill for a cop, I doubt they’re open to reversing the taser/gun location.

I don’t know why I’m engaging with such a bad faith post but here we go.

Because police cannot magically appear out of fractal space. They have to get from where they are to where the fight is using 21st century modes of transportation like cars. This officer happened to get there first.

Because people fight over shit because humans are imperfect by nature and conflicts arise sometimes.

edit: If your solution to these types of police/public interactions is to fix all the societal and human conditions that can cause fights to occur, and/or have some sort of teleportation magic that will instantly transport a significant amount of officers to a fight simultaneously, then I want what you’re smoking.

You’re still acting as if you’re assuming this exact situation was inevitable. The pulling of the trigger is the least interesting decision point.

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I’m not primarily concerned with the person’s right to not be shot, I’m primarily concerned with good outcomes. I actually find your framing pretty disturbing, there’s an implication there that cops shooting people is a good outcome as soon as that person no longer deserves to be “dealt with any differently”.

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Yes… 100% and Ash knows this above, she stayed in the London suburbs that have the most knife crime in the UK or had close friends from their, she has experienced it 1st hand I believe along with most youngsters in the UK as its a wide problem among our youth of today and is growing down in England were as it has gotten better here because we did institute change in the early 2,000.

Alough far more is needed up here wrt the violence some help is available in scotland.

I was not wearing a stab proof vest at the time and as I said it happened so fast that me as a member of the public whom has lived a not so shy period on the streets dealing with random violence my whole life and I still froze for those few seconds.

And that’s what I’m getting at, is the training of our officers whom reacted so quickly and without hesitation or fear for their own lives.

Imo, that’s what it takes to be a police officer, being able to be in control of your thinking and emotions so as not to pull out your gun straight away and instead intervien between the 2 parties.

After all we’ve seen how the US Cops can do this & other nations forces do do Infact take necessary risks to avoid the loss of human life at all costs because most PD know its just not worth it in the long run.

Taking a life is a major event, whether you think they acted correctly, hint taking someone else’s life is never OK and society as a whole will be far better off once we know like civilize and stop eye for an eye shit.