ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I think this is my #2 all time movie that on its face should suck but is actually pretty good.

#1 by a mile is the original Point Break. Trying to convince my wife to watch this was hilarious.

“Well what is it about?”

“Of there’s these surfers and they rob banks. But one if then is a secret undercover agent.”

“Uh huh. Surfers that rob banks?”

“Yes. They were Presidents masks.”

“Whos in it?”

“Patrick Swayze! And Keanu Reeves!”


It certainly wasnt murder in the way Floyd was

His audience has had Trump as president for 4 years. They don’t want some weak-ass watered-down version of white supremacy fascism. They want the hard stuff.


Reggie: You got a lady, Cates?

Jack: Yeah.

Reggie: You know, the generosity of women never ceases to amaze me.

If you’re not familiar with the story, the 16 counts were for the 16 shots at Laquan. Also he got 6 years and 9 months so not even 7 years lol

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It’s relevant because as you & me want to live in a better society for all included and IMO when police shoot to kill in the American system it is a quick way to bring closuer to the underlying problems that a capitalist system has produced.

I believe in 2nd chances for people, not just the ones who have support systems like us (I’m assuming you here, as I think you’d have that too) and when an officer acts in this way it is not only cruel for the victim (As I see them) it’s also cruel for the victim who got attacked + the surrounding areas in which people will act with more depravity when seeing and hearing of these actions by an officer and in turn will only provide cover for the intellectual group member who will automatically take advantage of the situations in their areas by an means necessary because their society is clearly broken.

Alough obviously I’m not nearly educated enough to write a paper on it or even explain myself clearly enough, but the underlying problems here are at fault too, the whole system is at fault, it’s also broken in the UK and unfortunately the kids here have more access to guns nowadays especially in england and the cruelty seems to be the order of today’s establishment.

We as progressives should try to help everyone, even the damaged ones, if that was indeed what happened alough I’m sure the actual story will seem absurd to most.

I’m sure you remember just how emotional 15 year old teenagers where when you were 15 & if not then you were helava lucky.

They need to add “playing video games”. That one took place by me where lady was playing video games with her (nephew) and cops shot her through the window.


Case in point…

There was a Point Break Live! play a few years ago, they choose someone from the audience to play Johnny Utah. I was so disappointed when I couldn’t see them in Boston. Hoping they’ll get the band back together again some day.

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You are? If we’ve learned anything in the past 6 years its that right wingers (can’t call them republicans) stand for one thing: if the libs want, support, or are happy about something, they’re against it.

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Really amazing watching a bunch of wannabe combat experts itt go to work defending the police for their latest killing of a 15 year old girl


That’s exactly what’s happening. You’re right on target again.


“A bunch”. Lol.


Australia’s version of The Onion with some solid commentary:


That might be an erroneous assumption, since you can look back at the car the cop who shot her drove up in and I don’t see the Mars lights turned on

I counted 35 seconds after the last shot was fired and she lay helpless on the ground until the the dude who strolled up puts his knee on the ground to tend to her

They will no doubt have a very good case for this shooting being justified and I’m not necessarily saying it wasn’t. It was a very quick decision that may have saved a person’s life. What I’m saying however, is that I still question the training procedures of so called professionals who are issued guns and given much more latitude to use them. My biggest gripe is with the way he yelled hey, hey, hey the way I might if I saw someone about to accidentally walk away with my cart at a grocery store. Once he turned to her, he yelled get down 4 times and in that time he could’ve easily shouted FREEZE OR YOU WILL BE SHOT!!

I know it sounds like I’m being a nit, but I do have some firearm training and the latter is a much more concise and understandable command to give before discharging your weapon. Especially when the person has their back to you. Yeah, I’m hard on the police. This quick thinking officer may have saved a life, but he also may have needlessly ended one by failing to use the right command. This would’ve been one time I wouldn’t mind hearing, “The individual did not obey the officer’s command”

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Is there some reason why the first go to for police in America isn’t the taser (unless they go for the taser and accidentally grab gun instead)?

I didn’t watch the video, but from the still shot it looks like the cop was certainly close enough to fire the taser, no?

Tasers aren’t considered effective enough to prevent imminent deadly harm. Sometimes they don’t connect or the target fights through the shock.

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Honestly if we get to the point where the biggest problem with policing is debateling whether a taser vs gun is appropriate when one person is actively swinging a knife at another, I’ll take it.


To people saying it was justified - if you were in that situation and had a gun on your hip, would you shoot the girl? It would never in a million years cross my mind - I’m a small guy and I’d tackle her into that car before pulling a gun, let alone if I had batons, pepper spray, tasers, etc at my disposal and I’m wearing a fucking Kevlar vest.

Like - I get that we live in a society where people won’t question shooting someone who is threatening someone else, but it’s still pretty fucked.