ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

You missed the first question and like others in this thread your posts appear to ignore that if the cop doesn’t shoot the other girl might die.
To put it another way, it wasn’t a choice between a) the attacker dies or b) the attacker doesn’t die. Instead it was a) the attacker dies or b) the other girl dies some percentage of the time.

No, not with these percentages. The goal is to increase the likelihood of saving innocent life. I also don’t expect the cop to do the math perfectly in a split second.

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Does Stand Your Ground still apply when the cops have arrived to the scene?

I think use of deadly force is sometimes justified and the time when it is justified is when a person (but not property) is in danger of imminent harm. I decline to take a stance that use of deadly force is never justified.

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This looks like stabbing distance to me:

stabbing distance

I don’t think there was a time the deceased was outside of stabbing distance of someone. So I think you must’ve watched a different video?

The situation is that one person is advancing with a knife on a another person with the intention to stab/kill them. My position is that attacker should be stopped in the mildest manner that assures the other person doesn’t die, even if that means deadly force.


I said I only watched a few frames, so that’s why I was asking. I stopped when I saw how grainy it was. Alright so I’m back to thinking this was probably a justified shooting. Some people are saying the cop should have tackled her, but it doesn’t look like there was time for that.

I don’t think this would be any different if the girl had a gun instead of a knife.

That’s not at all what has happened here.

His point is that the cop didn’t know that at the time.


I’m on team we’d be better off if the cop didn’t have a gun because of exactly this situation. I don’t think it’s realistic to expect people to come up with creative non gun solutions when they have a gun. Giving someone a tool makes them considerably more likely to use it.

Plus JT is right, regular cops are lousy shots and we do not want them letting rounds fly. Getting good at having gunfights is something you accomplish by training pretty much full time. If the state is going to get into a gunfight with my neighbor I for damn sure want the people behind all that state firepower to keep their ammo flowing as safely as possible for my family. Maybe make it short, fast, and confident. Having what are basically untrained milita making split second decisions about whether to use firearms in my vicinity? No thanks.

Guns, if we really can’t do like every other developed country and essentially ban them, need to have at least the same level of regulation as cars. Having a gun that isn’t registered to you should be a major felony, and you should absolutely have to go through a licensing process to be allowed to own one. If you sell a gun illegally to someone and it gets used in a crime, you should be charged with that crime like we do with robbery suspects. Don’t like that? Don’t sell guns illegally. If a gun registered to you isn’t reported stolen and gets used in a crime you’ll be charged with selling guns illegally.

This just needs to be made sane. The cops are walking around all day acting like it’s a realistic fear that they could be shot to death. That’s absolutely insane. The job isn’t that dangerous and most situations cops draw their weapons currently I sincerely wish they didn’t. Let some bad guy with a gun shoot some cops or take a cop hostage and see what happens when SWAT arrives. I’m not saying the state isn’t supposed to be able to use violence, I’m saying the violence gets called in like an air strike by officers who don’t have lethal weapons.


Right. He has to act on the information he has which was one person was advancing on another with a knife intending to stab them. Given that information the correct course of action is to not let the attacker stab their victim.


From my perspective, the results-oriented thinking would be to say that the correct process should never result in a black teenager being shot dead by cops. I think that outcome is tolerated more than it should be, but I don’t think there is a way to 100% prevent it and sometimes it is justified.

If you wanted to argue that cops shouldn’t carry guns, I could support that, but if we do want them to carry guns, then this feels like one of the situations where we want them to consider using guns.


Yeah this is really it. If you’re going to have them carry guns a knife wielding assailant trying to kill someone is getting shot like 99 times out of 100 and that’s like the best case scenario for them to use those guns. I don’t even like this scenario which is why I don’t want them to have them.

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I agree that this is the +EV guess to make when presented with only that info. But the cop was still only making a guess, and pointing out that the guess happened to be correct in this one instance is irrelevant to evaluating what’s generally +EV in such situations.

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What was he supposed to do? Let the other girl get stabbed and hope later we will find out that she deserved it?

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What other option was there?

I think you misunderstand me. You and I agree; I was only taking issue with your results-oriented response to JT.

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I’m sure that there were other options. But on first glance this is like one of the most justifiable uses of force I’ve seen in any sort of viral police killing.