ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Guys, make sure you’re sitting down, the esteemed legal scholars at Chiefs Planet are adamant that there are very strong grounds for an appeal.

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This right here is why Chauvin was drawing dead. This press release saying ‘nothing to see here’ couldn’t credibly exist in a world where Chauvin didn’t get found guilty of everything.

sacrificial lambs itt

Just watched the video of the verdict.

I know we couldn’t see his face but his response still seemed really strange. Just his eyes shifting after the verdict of each count was read. Nothing else.


I mean, it’s great he was found guilty of murderishness but in the same way that there are a whole lot of cops probably furious about Chauvin making them look bad, there’s a whole other lot of cops who are also furious about Chauvin making them look bad.

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Guilty of murder? That’s a relief.



do you even protective custody bro


Cops hate Chauvin as much as the men behind bars do.

Yeah he will be in protective custody and protected by the guards and treated like a hero. No way a warden let’s someone as high profile as him get hurt. Not to mention hes a former cop. Guards will treat him like a hero


Yeah, I said this,

but even factoring that in I think he’s gonna be playing video games and eating fast food.

Maybe. But I think they will throw him to the wolves to show the system works as designed. He’s no one special. He’s just a random cop that got carried away in their eyes. Like, it’s gonna take effort and resources to protect this guy 24/7. Maybe they do, but I think they will be indifferent as far as protection goes. Sooner or later, he’ll get got.

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The actual fuck? Who’s could actually think this was a good idea.


Protective custody already exists, the inmate just needs to request it. And I really can’t see it being denied. The guilty verdict is probably already seen as enough throwing to the wolves.

I mean, to give you an idea, I myself think he should be in protective custody. It’s like, if we’re gonna kill him then kill him; I’d pull the lever on the electric chair without blinking. But subjecting him to retributive torture is cruel and unusual.

So I know the prison staff is gonna be hella sympathetic.

