ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I mean are we surprised that the white people are being super cringe?

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Keep in mind, it is the team whose owner thinks this haircut is a good idea:


Can’t decide if the Peolsi statement, that raiders face melter, or this BW stunner is the most cringe


same energy

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Pelosi’s is 10x worse.


Why does Pelosi quote her initial statement in her follow-up tweet?

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Pretty good but not as inspirational as ThAnKs FoR dYiNg HeRp DeRp.


Tony Laren or whatever that dingbat’s name is, is having a meltdown.

Guy was just trying to pass a faded Jackson before the Tubman’s came out, Nancy, not all that.

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This weird thing where people on the right act like wanting a guy who clearly committed murder to be convicted of murder is somehow a flaw…

Maybe it’s just because they have never held an earnest belief in their life so they have no understanding what that is like.

I love how they referred to it as “a forgery in progress” like someone was running a printing press with fake plates when the cops showed up White Collar style.

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There are no successful grounds but yeah certainly they will try to appeal for a bunch of reasons.

Chief’s planet is a regular Ally Mcbeal.

Dang I used to follow her but she was so consistently awful she was making me perpetually angry, so I unfollowed going to check in on her.

Tomi Lahren.

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I was like - it’s about time for the Chancellor of the University I work for to send out a cringe-worthy email about the verdict - and then BAZING, 5 seconds later there it was in my inbox.


Pelosi’s statement enters into Trump levels of incoherent offensiveness

Trump’s offensiveness is coherent in genesis.

I seriously can’t believe that is real. I can’t believe the BW statement is real. It really isn’t that hard to just state the obvious. That this is the bare minimum and does nothing to undo the ongoing injustice that POC endure in this country.



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This Columbus shooting, yikes. A 15 year old girl who called them for help. This one could explode.