About Moderation

One guy wagered a ban on a different forum and now posts on one he wasn’t banned from, therefore a guy who arranged a ban on this forum should be allowed back to post here. Brilliant stuff.

It is literally a different forum here. It has a different domain, different software, different rules, different ownership.

He didn’t get the refund. That’s a beef between vic and goofyballer.

I think we’ve covered the background

Do you want to have a forum vote on whether audit_the_audit should be unbanned
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

To add to my reply, his requesting a refund has no bearing on his ban. Like he wasn’t banned for requesting it. Furthermore, he requested his donations to this forum be returned when mebs was about to rogue-mod permaban him without reason.

“without reason”


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Nothing you do will stop their drama. The whole point is the drama

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Appreciate the honesty rather than all the line-toeing stealth calvinball BS.

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No other donors have been continually treated like shit so badly that they asked for a refund. As you say, everything is unprecedented at some point.

I think you should consider your suitability as a mod after this embarrassing outburst of…honesty.

I’ve long had good reason to be a proud non donor.

Oh good we’ve reached the pearl clutching part of the farce. I like this part.


And jal returns to continue his mod abuse. Good call mods!

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lots of perfectly normal behavior itt this morning


I will leave this for now since the rabble-rousers have arrived to drown out the conversation they don’t like.

That poll is no satisfaction to the issue I raised.

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Is today Friday?

@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes


They’re treating this forum like surrogate family. I approve.

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