About Moderation

In theory one poster could hide it by flagging it if their Discourse weighting was high enough but it’s usually just a mod agreeing with the flag.

Editing the post unhides it, I think.

Most recent Keed ban is a joke. You’re showing your ass Mr. Tato


See you in a couple weeks, anon! Or maybe just the next time there’s a mod vote.


I like rubber necking at a good meltdown as much as anyone, but the constant anonymizing shit is annoying af.

Like SK is already back and just gotta update my ignore list again so I get to choose if I read their stupid shit



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At least you’re not a bitter loser.

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Thanks. So you’re saying that if I just added a single character to the post it would become unhidden again and someone would have to re-flag it?

I don’t even think you have to change anything to unhide it based on this thread but I’m not 100% sure.

How dare you ping me in this thread

I didn’t realize linking to a thread sent notifications, sorry.

Unlike gfy, I never impersonated anyone. Registering goofyballer’s retired screen name to block it from his re-use is defensible because he did actually chose to take on new identities–those of his bots in order to troll vic.


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Today I learned that Aaron Rupar manually reposts his own tweets here and is genuinely an Unstucker who could be impersonated.

Why is Potato an anon-numbers account now?

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He’s doing a bit. Didn’t it make you laugh?


Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 4.03.34 PM

Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 4.03.11 PM


Welcome to the forums!

That was not AQ. You should unban him.

Was it you?