About Moderation



No, it is you who is mad.

Believe it or not, it takes more than a walk for me to not be upset about people spreading covid misinformation. Turns out that working in a mass casualty event for a month then high acuity and overload situations for another year makes you a little sore about a subject. Some of the shit I had to do was wild man, and I still think about it quite a bit.

It’s weird, because you don’t think of everything, at least I don’t. I think of a few discrete people. I think of an argument I got into with a PA in the ICU who canceled my covid test I ordered because “if this person has covid we’re all fucked” (spoiler alert - we were fucked), the first person I intubated with confirmed covid (a 70 some year old man who went on to die), and this 30 year old guy.

Things were wild then. This guy was previously healthy, 30-something, with a family. He came in absurdly hypoxic and hypotensive. His right ventricle was blown out so we started him on norepinephrine to raise his blood pressure, intubated him, and gave him tenecteplase basically just assuming he had a blood clot in his lungs. He got better, started him on a heparin drip. We never actually confirmed he had a PE with a CTA because he was so unstable and it wouldn’t change management at this point. I signed him out to the night team.

Got him back and he was getting worse. He was requiring additional pressure support. I talked to his family over FaceTime with his children who were just old enough to kind of understand what was going on, but not old enough to really know. Said fuck it, fired off another clot busting drug, and he got better. Signed him out to the night team.

Got him back the next day and things are grim. He’s maxed out on everything. I’m still a resident now, about 2 months from graduation. Still I’ve been working with my attending for awhile so the decision to fire off another round of clot busting drugs was just as mine as it was hers. It doesn’t go well this time. He goes into disseminated intravascular coagulation, and dies bleeding from his IV sites, eyeballs and into his endotracheal tube. I spent 20 minutes cleaning him before holding the phone during FaceTime so the family could see their dead dad.

So yeah, this shit makes me pretty upset. I’m ok with that. That 30 year old is one of about 10 stories I cycle through sometimes. I think about this quote a lot, “Every surgeon carries within himself a small cemetery, where from time to time he goes to pray-a place of bitterness and regret, where he must look for an explanation for his failures”. I’ve learned from those times though.

I also think how fucking pathetic it is that you defend churchill not because you actually think he was right because you’re too smart for that, but because someone said something mean to you online or banned you a few days. Like fucking hell how pathetic is that?


You and wookie attacked him endlessly over tiny, even irrelevant things, because that’s the UP shtick the horsemen are proud of.

Wasn’t he banned once for posting something that was in too small a font?

No, of course not, but it’s not like anyone can stop you from making up anything you like about why he got banned.

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Because you refuse to do anything but twist every interaction into playing the victim, you didn’t even see what just happened here.

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This is hilarious.

Me: hey this is pretty triggering because of how it relates to this massive real life trauma I went though
You: but he got banned once for this entirely imagined reason.

We are not the same.

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I don’t know, if you want people here to empathise with your real life trauma try being nicer to them instead of this deeply unpleasant attack dog thing.

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Oh, right. Dealing with death and grief on a daily basis typically makes someone much more inclined to empathize with the people spreading the misinformation that directly leads to increases in that death and grief.

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Shitting over the same people habitually isn’t going to make them disposed to considering your real life troubles. Obviously.

No, but it did get them to shut up.

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If you don’t want to read them, put them on ignore.

As played, you can be very proud of yourself there.

This isn’t some guy who roots for my football team’s rival, jal. It’s spreading misinformation that literally kills people.


Listen you snot-nose little shit, I was takin’ shrapnel in Khe Sanh when you were crappin’ in your hands and rubbin’ it on your face.


Bruh why don’t you try just once to make one post that actually helps instead of this dumb smarmy bullshit.

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lol wait nvm maybe just stick to awkward OKKK talk to the hand

elite scare quotes dog

Somebody should’ve throttled the thread imo.

But srsly, it indirectly had to do with moderation but then CN and MrWookie got heated and it went from the metadiscussion back to the literal discussion that took place in the Covid thread some time back.

And for the nth time, that’s totally fine! The spirit moved them to type some words in the wordbox and I don’t think they should be punished nor should the thread be throttled. That’d be nuts! It’s a totally natural and logical continuation for the Covid-thread-as-it-relates-to-moderation to veer slightly back to Covid-thread-IN-about-moderation.

Clovis, I don’t think you appreciate much my extrapolation-thought-experiments and I doubt that appreciation is increasing, but imagine if I was mod and I just banned MrWookie and CN or confined them to only posting in the Covid thread or some such thing, after they came here and sullied the pristine and hollowed grounds of About Moderation with their Covid Poo Flinging?

You can’t imagine it.

Some more John Campbell hits. Note the Twitter accounts are all antivax morons spreading this info:




Only easily duped people who’ve fallen prey to antivax bullshit cite JC. That’s how I knew this was JC in the first place.

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