About Moderation

That’s the preprint, which was lol bad. I believe this is the actual paper that was published later.


We report severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine effectiveness against infection (VE-I) and death (VE-D) by vaccine type in 780,225 veterans in the Veterans Health Administration, covering 2.7% of the US population. From February to October 2021, VE-I declined for all vaccine types, and the decline was greatest for the Janssen vaccine, resulting in a VE-I of 13.1%. Although breakthrough infection increased risk of death, vaccination remained protective against death in persons who became infected during the Delta variant surge. From July to October 2021, VE-D for age <65 years was 73.0% for Janssen, 81.5% for Moderna, and 84.3% for Pfizer-BioNTech; VE-D for age ≄65 years was 52.2% for Janssen, 75.5% for Moderna, and 70.1% for Pfizer-BioNTech. Findings support continued efforts to increase vaccination, booster campaigns, and multiple additional layers of protection against infection.

You’ll notice these numbers are so much better. For some reason nurse dr John never gave us an update.

On top of all that, the numbers in the screenshot were wrong! Skepticism was obviously warranted.

But questioning Chruchill’s sources makes you the real abuser.

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I believe they were “right” as in what the preprint showed those numbers. What was wrong was how they did their calculations, which was pointed out by everyone with a brain but not before churchill, antivaxxers and nurse dr John spread the preprint everywhere.

Janssen 92 to 3 in the screenshot, but 88 to 3 in the description. All 3 are mixed up.

Those are for death. The infection prevention part of the original preprint was really bad and heavily changed. You couldn’t properly do it with their study design. They didn’t really have a control group.

Had to include an extra 140k participants, alter the study period
 a laymen might be inclined to think the pre-print and actual paper are different studies.

Didn’t people establish it would be impossible to have a control group?

I know this is largely beside the point, but all I’m saying is the “screenshot” seems like it’s supposed to be summarizing these data (also from Churchill’s post), but the numbers don’t quite match.

We discussed this art the time and the differences are irrelvant - from memory, they only make the numbers seem better which is strange, if you think Dr John has ever discouraged anyone from ever getting a vaccine.

Why don’t you ask nurse doctor John?

rofl scroll through this bullshit

More vaccinated deaths than unvaccinated deaths from covid (US)

1.2M views 2 weeks ago

Natural Immunity Protects


I’m shocked! Shocked!

Of course that’s not telling people to not get the vaccine, it’s just undermining the importance of people who’ve had Covid still getting vaccinated!


What an utter piece of shit JC is.

Keep retconning that chicken, I&W

Thanks for being you.

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Wtf does this have to do with moderation?


The usual people have to defend kelhaus at least a little bit because churchill did the same thing.


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Melk didn’t bring up the stupid shit you did. AQ had to

You seem very angry. I suggest you take a walk around the block to calm down.