About Moderation

sHeEr MoD sPiTe

Kinda wish I could just read everyone’s PMs to see exactly how untrue this is, because we all know it wasn’t “Hello good sir, would you like 90 dollars?”

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I’m sorry, now you’re saying my avatar is the problem? I thought it was a PM

All you did was post evidence of your campaign of drawing attention to me

For one I quoted your text, I didn’t screenshot it, and for two the PM isn’t mine to share screenshots of.

I’m saying your trolling avatar combined with your trolling PM mean you’re harrassing goofyballer, this isn’t rocket science.

I refuse to pick sides here even though I am now getting PMs trying to get me to do so. I won’t pick sides because both sides are wrong. It’s the rare situation where nobody is right. Everyone looks awful and petty and not one person has acted like a sane adult over the past two years.

That should make me popular.

This endless fight is over a difference in moderation philosophy! That’s it. Even if you believe to your very core you are 100% right and every single person on the other side is Hitler, it still wouldn’t warrant this level of long term animosity.

There is only one way this is ever going to end. One side is going to have to man up and start a conversation that must begin with a full mea culpa of their role in this whole thing. Surely, we are emotionally intelligent enough that if we had an open conversation where you are only able to admit your own faults and apologize we could end this?

I know @SweetSummerChild


Again, your position is that asking Goofy if he wants his $90 back, is harassment that cannot be meted out any other way than making a vaguebook post in the moderator log, knowing people’s connotation of harassment, and making it so that I cannot start threads or embed images or PM anyone.


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You don’t know the half of it. Unless you think “weaponizing moderatorship in order to make your Forum Enemies ™ look bad to all the other posters” is a moderation philosophy.

@otatop is on a power trip unparalleled in UP history, and taking away people’s ability to call attention to it


@otatop I sent the PM. I demand you share it with the class and add it to the moderator log.

Precisely zero people would call it harassment. Because it isn’t.

You saw the reaction to me floating this. It’s hopeless, few people on either side want this sort of conversation and reconciling. If you want to start a dialog and reconciliation thread I’d be happy to participate in it but I’ll predict it won’t accomplish anything.



Although a few hours ago you tried (and failed) to fuck me exactly this way on a more serious allegation, the PM with the screenshot of the cash, while clearly taunting and goofy can ignore you, on its own it’s obviously not harassment, and does not deserve for a trust level reduction like the other incident where the guy is spamming people with fuck yous.


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Ok I’ll play the @SweetSummerChild

If I started a thread designed to find reconciliation would you participate in good faith?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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I’ll check yes but don’t jinx it by letting people select both options in the poll.

Lol I suck at polls. I thought I made it so you can only pick one. 🤷

It doesn’t matter. Actually it’s better this way: if someone clicks both they’re just outing themselves as someone who wouldn’t participate in good faith.


Like a … Hatfield McCoy thing


Et tu Brute?

The poster now known as j8ilm6[]666 or w/e made a mea culpa once at 2+2 so perhaps he could start here?

Lol ok yang

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