About Moderation

Welcome to the forums RonfromSanDiego!

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Do this one then:

Bruh settle down, Discoursehelper doesn’t literally mean to fill this thread with posts and exclamation points and shit.

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Still no.

Nomodsnomasters. But somebody was accidentally made a mod when somebody fat fingered a button on the control panel trying to fix something unrelated in buggy discourse. Also, I declared myself master. That doesn’t mean I can tell people what to post and ban them or anything though, that’d be nuts lol; it just means people have to address me as ‘Master 6ix’.

So I guess it’s Onemodonemaster now.


Ok, well, post that apology when you’re ready. No hurry though. In fact I’d prefer you take your time to reflect on your mistakes.

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Welcome to the forum, RonFromSanDiego!



We have 7 other brand new Rons just itching to start posting (RonFromPhoenix is the one not in the screenshot). The first 2 in the screenshot are less than 30 minutes old so we’re getting quite the influx of “new” users lately, seemingly all named Ron.



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This account is not jmakin.

You just know it’s not jmakin or you know who it is?


Jmakin is currently suspended.

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very wolfy

I just want to reiterate that, if this space is going to become one where swearing is banned, I will no longer be posting here. Irony, sarcasm, in jokes, “deep track” references, a space for healthy, i.e., constrained, expressions of political anger, including swearing, which is different from an insult (which can be done viciously without swearing at all) have been a huge part of what makes this the best and smartest political discussion community (with a bunch of well known common interests) online. I say this without really reading or following along. Just wanted to express my views.


I don’t think that’s ever been an issue or brought up as a potential issue here.


Yeah that’s not a thing at all, nor do I expect it to ever be. No fucking way.