About Moderation

Seems like a watertight case for a pre-emptive ban to me.

Have you ever considered a career as an assistant district attorney for the federal government?

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Cops are good

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Go back to your gated community then


It would be hilarious if someone went to the effort of pretending to be lagtight to troll this community.

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FYI, you can get me and cactus permanently banned from this site for referencing your religion in any way. Two or three posters were permanently banned for posting Bible quotes in a discussion with MrWookie, who is a Christian


Thanks for the heads-up.

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I heartily endorse this message.

I heartily endorse this idea for those who think of Unstuck as a Support Group/Safe Space for disgruntled libs.

I look forward to passionate engagement. That’s kinda the point of a Politics Forum.

“these types” LOL!!!

Psychos, idiots, transphobe fuckwads.

Take your pick

Hi, d2_d4!

It’s possible that MrWookie has a point though. If Unstuck is really just a safe space/support group, it makes since that “passionate engagement” would disrupt that environment.

Don’t keep making the same mistake over and over and over. This is exactly what he wants.

The only viable response should be no response. Completely ignore them. Their posts simply don’t exist.

It’s very easy.


Lots of them at UP

I agree with this and am generally against bans. I for one, won’t put you on ignore and look forward to engaging if you ever have anything substantive to say. Unfortunately, I haven’t see this yet and am still waiting. So far, all I’ve read from you is religious bigoted and racist nonsense with no substance. @ me when this changes. Looking forward to it

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Thanks for the clarification.

Please quote ANY post of mine that is “racist.” Thanking you in advance.

Point of Information: Is County Jail considered a “gated community?” :slight_smile:

Why should I NOT be “welcomed here?” Especially when you don’t know why I was banned from my “old digs.” (And you never will know why, unless you discuss it with the mod who banned me from my “old digs”.)

If I violate Unstuck’s TOS I’ll get banned here, too.

(I read the TOS, and there is no reason I would be banned here.)

Note well that it was YOU who brought up the controversial topic, by quoting me from my “old digs” no less.

(I’m delighted you did, by the way. I always enjoy reaching a new audience with my musings.)