About Moderation

Obviously the one here who needs to suffer an enduring consequence is the one who was doxxed. Not the doxxer, and not the people who should not have been letting it go on as long as they were.

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For him to answer that honestly would require a degree of self-awareness he’s yet to show himself capable of.

But it would involve admitting that he’d been behaving like a total and utter douche to people for a long time, and he doesn’t want his real life poker “friends” to connect him to his posting history.

The only mention of his actual name I’ve seen here was by no less than…

wait for it

cuse himself. He is the actual doxxer.

Anyway, I thought you were “threatening” to leave for good?

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the poker pro who’s been on TV and we all watched and cheered for while he made a final table is somehow enduring the consequence of freely participating in such a public spectacle and is the true victim here. seems legit

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Not that any of this matters in the slightest but, grue’s never been on TV and isn’t even a D-list poker celebrity.

I think my high school trivia team was on public access once.


good thing he’s not the person being discussed

this is the post where ota, talks about what AQ did:

and Johnny’s mod note here about banning AQ doesn’t mention grue either

Johnny posted this too which doesn’t say much.

Cliffs: this isn’t about grue (as best as I can tell rn)

Holy Cow could you all just fucking stop for one second?! Or at least, pause this ridiculous performative bullshit.

Nobody was “doxxed” that is not what the words means and the pandemic did not break all your brains such that you forgot how to read and think after all the schooling you all have had.

Grue not only posted that information publicly, he posted that amongst these same posters here!

You can tell by the quasi-l33tsp33k spelling of “doxxing” that it means some h4x0rz of some point or some social engineering, to obtain some secretly guarded info for nefarious purposes. It doesn’t mean remembering some publicly shared information and repeating said information.

Ready? Watch.

There is no “Chads”. There is an “Angry_Queer”. The poster named Chad changed his screenname. But everybody remembers his name is Chad(s) and nobody would seriously say (and you all didn’t even pay it lip-service) that Trolly was “doxxing” Chad there because that would be fucking insane.

This doofus below made his joke not realizing he was actually nailing the reality.

If you have some pathological neurotic need to want people to memory hole themselves when those people stop liking you, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe try being more likable. It’s never too late.

It’s probably a testament to my deeply buried optimism beneath the layers of pessimism that I didn’t foresee that MrWookie would make being a mod here intolerable and contribute to the high risk of this community dying.

Lol, just fucking stop if for no other reason than it’s so fucking boring. Stop pretending like you mfs haven’t known each other (no matter what the relationship is like now) for literal decades at this point.

Or at least pause for the little time I’m here away from my blog. Jesus Fucking Christ.


Oh dear God.

If you all are gonna play make-believe that this is a big boy forum with big boy rules and conduct, maybe ban the mf literally named “Trolly, World’s Trolliest Poster” from participating in the big boy discussions.

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Jonny edited a creepy personal reference to grue out of one of AQ’s posts. I was unaware of that at the time I made my post.

lmao I replied to you 6 hours ago or is this some weirdo gaslighting I don’t even know

I apologize if I’m not understanding the whole situation, but grue has said his real name was searchable on this site. If so… can we agree he has a valid concern here?

As for Commonwealth, I get where you’re coming from. He previously wasn’t concerned about his personal info, now he’s uptight about it. Is he being a performative attention seeking clown? Maybe! Did he change his mind due to the increasingly hostile and unhinged nature of this community? Maybe! Can we not simply agree to not disclose his information moving forward? I get that you hate the guy and maybe he’s being dramatic but is such a minimal courtesy.


that creepy reference doesn’t seem to be why he was even banned, and there’s still no reference to grue being doxxed here

you thinking this has something to do with you doesn’t mean it actually does

Often bans are caused by multiple factors and only one will be named.

This is correct. I saw the report of the grue post and deleted the reference. I then went to AQ’s profile to issue a one-day ban, I saw the screen name, deleted it and banned him for a week. I only referenced the second issue since it seemed so blatantly wrong I didn’t think anyone would defend it and saw no need to list the lesser infraction.

for sure. again, nothing shared so far speaks to aq doing anything approaching this though.

100%. I’ll ask you the same question I directed to grue tho:

can you really not see why some would not be so willing to extend the “no dick” rule of common courtesy to this one guy in this one situation considering what he’s directly responsible for in the forum?

and this seems like it might be worth fixing, moving forward

Ok but when the message board runs out of message slots what are you gonna do then huh smart guy?

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No. Honest to god, I can’t see why someone would behave this way. I find a lot of people here irritating af, I’d never give out the irl name even of the posters I hate the most, wtf. I don’t understand how any of this is debatable.


That’s because you have no objective right to find anybody irritating and hate them.

p.s. Lol that’s like Abuse 101. The perpetrator doesn’t get to frame things the same way the victim does holy shit. And Trolly is just flummoxed.

not trying to be rude here, but if you can’t see why people have a problem with him and his choices over the past year with respect to this forum, that’s a you problem.

to suggest that he’s been nothing more than irritating is the whiteiest of forum whitewashing ever. being wilfully ignorant to the (forum) damage he’s directly responsible for doesn’t mean he hasn’t caused any, nor should anyone else be asked to act like it didn’t happen.


This is all dumb. If this is trolling for funsies, there are ways to troll someone and have a little fun without inducing bans. If forum wars are serious business, then this is a pathetic and weak way of lashing out at someone.

Some people are either trying too hard or not trying hard enough.

Times like this I wonder if people are even aware that reddit and twitter and facebook exists.