About Moderation

The no mod criticism allowed team sure seems to love complaining about moderation


This is a lazy and dishonest. I get that modding is hard, and even can sympathize to how you’re kind of stuck with a community that can’t build a consensus on behaving appropriately.

That being said, maybe we could have a forum were we didn’t call people ■■■■■ and don’t post their real names? Hell maybe actually have consequences for calling other people nazi’s, even when you like the person? Doesn’t seem like a big ask.


you might be, literally, the last person on this board who should be attempting to make this argument

So just in case there’s more to it, you realize you were being a giant asshole right? Like you were criticizing me for how I told someone I hoped they were doing better. I figured it was likely you were drunk because it was late on a Friday. Seems like fair play given the expected standard of behavior here.

If that cuts against you more for whatever reason, I’m sorry.

Please tell me you mean me, referring to your callous indifference (being most charitable) towards seeing a trans girl (her name was Leelah Alcorn) throw herself in front of a truck due to religious conversion therapy abuse (of which you had sympathy for the parents) and, please tell me you mean Yuv, who banned me for how combative my phrasing was of this reference.

Cuz boy I’m about to win a big ass bet:

A whale friend took the other side for the lulz.

Did you put your fingers in your ears during Succession when you sensed another ■■■■ word was coming?

Can’t think why ikestoys would want to stop people from calling others ■■■■■ and Nazi’s.

this is not what happened, sweetie. but more to the point, the dude who wrote,


should not be lecturing the forum on decorum and standards of behavior.

I think a lot of people don’t do well when you allow those types of insults. See, KONY bringing up a 3 month post or you being mad about being called a racist about some sort of ethnic food that happened what, years ago?

Me, otoh, will be just fine. I’ve been just fine on politics and PU. I’ve been just fine on various CFB boards that are waaaay more intense than anything here. It’s a bad way of running a site, because feelings get hurt and leads to the incessant bickering you see here.


I’ve been fine, I tell you, just fine!



Holy fuck this is what I mean:

Do you understand that there are people here who have fucking PhDs in history and anthropology and psychology and what not?

I hate being an ageist so this will feel rough, but your quoted sentence isn’t even just something a child would say, it’s something a stupid child would say. Along with those PhDs, people here also have tween and teen children.

“Aw dad the party I threw when you were gone was a year ago why are you bringing up OLD STUFF…”

I actually quite like that analogy because the only reason you should be bringing up the age of the incidents is so you can say something like, “Sorry, that was 3 months/years/x ago and I’ve been trying to be better.”

Like what happens when you open a history book? Are you confounded that they’re writing about Old Stuff?

What happens when you go to therapy? Does the therapist say, “Tell me about your childhood Ikes,” and do you start screeching about Old Stuff?

Bruh just shut the fuck up and stop trying to (what I have to assume is the case at this point) actively trying to ruin this forum even further.

Lol mf made me use up three throttles already and I haven’t even talked about The Doxxening yet.


What about forums where people post their own real names?

I requested to remain a mod specifically to deal with being doxxed/threatened with doxxing, which is clearly still relevant. The only mod actions I’ve taken since I stopped posting have been editing my old full screen name from posts, and ironically helping AQ when he was possibly doxxed by another user. (IIRC he was not, someone used a full name directed towards him and I happened to see it quickly and messaged him.)

I’ve had to remove my initials repeatedly, my old screen name repeatedly, and now I find out my real name was posted. If this community stopped allowing that kind of behavior, I wouldn’t want/need mod status. Obviously that hasn’t been the case.

The fact that this is still an issue seven months after my last post on this forum demonstrates where the problem lies, and that it’s not going to stop on its own.

As I’ve explained in the past, I don’t care about people here knowing my real name or past screen names, the issue is that I don’t want those things searchable here, hence I’ve asked that they not be posted. I think this is a very reasonable request for any user to make. In my case it’s due to the character attacks against me here, for someone else it might be their political views and how that could impact them in a workplace or whatever.

I am disappointed by Unstuck’s cavalier attitude about doxxing, and I hope serious action is taken this time. This isn’t just an attempt to annoy someone or troll someone, posting identifying information on a searchable forum has the potential to cause “real world” harm to users. And apparently I wasn’t the only one AQ doxxed?

I suggest that the @admins and @moderators figure out a way to prevent this in the future, and a good first step would probably be making sure the entire community knows this has been happening to multiple users, rather than letting it get buried in About Moderation and Bickering threads.

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I don’t think someone should have their name repeatedly posted forever because they posted it before

shush, you chattering geese


Why is Commonwealth bringing up Old Stuff?

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Continues to be astonishing to me something as simple as “no doxxing” which every single corner of the internet figured out 20 years ago is even an issue here. And all because Mike Pence didn’t have the courage.

lol you need to be a moderator to keep people from typing Cuse in a word rectangle on this website? wild stuff, fuck off guy.

Like, you’re going to edit out the “c*** ro*nder” in this post? To what end? Who gives a fuck my man? You’re delusional if you think anyone irl gaf.

And no, typing “Cuse” in this word rectangle is not doxing you.

edit: rofl instantly edited by c*** Rounder

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Your real name wasn’t posted. A pun on it with you as offspring of the Elephant Man was posted.

Barbara Streisand itt