About Moderation

If you want to call out anti-Semitic posts (or report them) you can and those posts will be dealt with. If you want to just constantly call someone an anti-Semite, when it’s completely unrelated to the topic at hand, those posts will be deleted.

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you seem to like throwing hard N’s around. what’s with that?

whoa, that’s a pretty racist fantasy filled with some ignorant tropes there, chief.

I just think @6ix likes throwing the n word around and this site’s cool with it.


to the moderators who messaged me: I don’t see any benefit to bringing this up, I just saw some blatant racism on a site that’s usually fairly hate filled and thought I’d point it out and did what a responsible citizen would do and report it and comment against it… Do what you will! your dumpster fire.



And your evidence for the bolded is a screen shot of a post that was deleted less than 12 hours after it was posted.

Sorry for sleeping I guess.

By your same standard SPE is a constant hate fuck circle jerk, right? Maybe even worse because that post wasn’t even moderated. :thinking:

yet, here we are, him making that post days after you banned him for the post I referenced. that is in the ban thread log. his post I originally reported is still there though! And that’s fine. I thought I’d be nice and report it for you, but it appears since it has stood you’ve decided it’s ok speech around here.

and again, that’s fine! just stating the facts here.

btw, SPE is a genuinely nice place. I don’t have to worry about people stalking me or my personal safety ever. I’m not sure they’ve ever even had to moderate or have these kinds of issues.

just an observation! some people seem to prefer it one way or another. interesting.



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you’re so cool! definitely no one thinks you’re an idiot. definitely.

more like Don Draper don’t think about at all

What? I banned him for dehumanizing eyebooger.

Have you read Live and Let Die? It’s cartoonishly racist and 6ix’s post seems like a clear satire of that.

you’re so desperate for attention. it’s quite sad.

yea, I really think the community as a whole sees 6ix as a person who wants to have a serious discussion. definitely not an edgelord who wants to post the N word because he can here. I appreciate you are now going on record for not banning him on the n***er post, but for something else! not present in the ban log :smirk: wonder what else you don’t log? I’m sure something you and this great mod team consisting of people like @yuv have discusssed fully and fairly. glad we’re on record now that you banned him for something else, but also felt it necessary to delete the post (and brag about it like it was you doing some kind of good job).

in this modern age of LLM fueled algorithms archiving the internet, I’m glad you’ve decided this “lesser” N word from a person who’s never contributed seriously to a single discussion on this site is worth staying up for the entire internet to archive. All for great discussion, I’m sure! Probably good for site health and all. glad this site’s in good hands.



Remember that time you made a PM thread public and sent this entire site into chaos eventually leading to your permanent banning and the fracturing of the forum into 3 separate sites?

And then how you made several accounts to post on, then several more to demand you be unbanned?

What the fuck are you even talking about? I already linked you to the logged ban reason once, are you illiterate?

It wasn’t bragging, it was countering your screen shot of a post.


Just between me and you did you use one of those online insult generators for this?

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Ok, serious answer, what part of,

did you not understand?

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Ok super serious for real this time answer:

I could point out how the only times I’ve ever used that here are in the thread talking about “censoring” words for new edits of old works, and how there might be a larger point there in addition to the other points I’ve made in that thread, but, I don’t actually think you’re capable of a heady discussion like that so I’ll just say:

How you view this isn’t how it actually works. It’s just what we told babybrain racists like you and your friends and your family to make it easier to explain. “Just don’t say the n-word, ever, the rest of the shit is harder to explain,” but it doesn’t mean it’s like saying “Voldemort” in Harry Potter or even like other magic from that fictional universe. “Racismus Extremus” and what not. It’s just a way of vastly oversimplifying concepts for people such as yourself.



There’s alot of wisdom in this post.

Only fair to mention that these tactics are not foreign to this place. (or any political forum)

It’s actually exactly like saying Voldemort in Harry Potter, where the uttering of His name doesn’t have any special magical consequence or meaning.

spoiler alert plz i totally assumed saying his name actually meant a bad thing would happen

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