Editing Dahl and others

If you have to say it tho.

You have no idea how disappointed I am that this wasn’t a reply to my cool shades and was instead a reply to a far less cool post.

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Stop bothering Otatop and whomever else you babybrain lunatic pussy and make the posts addressed to me lol. I’m the one you wanted to have the discussion with.


Just wait until you guys have a spelling bee though and the word to spell is “niggerfaggot”.


The system works!

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

At first I was like The ■■■■■■■■■■■■ and the ■■■■ FINAL ANSWER but then was like damn it, that old prince and that old pauper, right, shit, that was my second guess.

Lol, finally someone got it.

Actually, it was “Trading Places”.

You know, how whenever you make a Pygmalion reference, your interlocutor usually goes “Oh yeah, that’s from ‘My Fair Lady’!”


How’s it hanging, d2?

Dude, browser banned me for two weeks for this:

Fuck is up with that?

Seems predictable?

I guess if your axiomatic frame of reference is that humour is to be checked in at the door and anything not expressly permitted is implicitly prohibited, then yes. I guess I’ve been way too long, is this the New World now?

A two week ban for calling someone a clown seems… slightly excessive.

It seems predictable based on precedent, regardless of what I think ought to be permitted.

I which case, upon the expiration of my time in purgatory, I shall return and set myself ablaze.

Like Kurt said, better to burn out than fade away, right?

It’s up to you on whether that is worth your effort. If I wanted to troll that forum, I’d be able to do it without name calling. And maybe I have been.

You do realise that there’s a thing such as linguistic typing, right? There are very few people you can possibly be there. Your grammar is too perfect to be most people. Unless you’re gone full undercover and you’re washoe.

You are free to guess, but I probably will neither confirm nor deny.
