About Moderation

Kind of an unfair fight considering how you just keep deleting all proof I have of what you’re doing

I care.

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I deleted your great Johnny Depp meme from this thread and nothing else. “All proof” lol.

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I mean you can say whatever you want because you deleted everything else so you can claim it never existed

And you can keep impersonating me and nobody will believe me

Well done

Lie about my moderation actions or post your dumb memes in the Just Memes thread again and I’m banning you.

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Anything this account posts from now on (and many things it posted in the past 24 hours) are not posted by me. It’s potato impersonating me

OK, enjoy the ban.


Here’s everything I deleted that AngryQueer posted

Both posts were this same meme he repeatedly posted again in the Just Memes thread that I moved here and here

The “impersonation” he referenced was changing a trolling thread title as referenced here.

Mods can’t impersonate users, only admins can do that and he is referencing an admin doing that in the past knowing that said admin asked to not be referenced here.

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What’s the correct thread for posting dumb memes?

This dumpster fire if it’s something related to moderation whining nonsense I guess.

I don’t know or care what stupid shit is in this post but a quick scroll seems like the same zz yelling about people discussing moderation when it’s trivial to ignore.

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I’m a day or two behind and will try to avoid grunching too much.

Lots of people care, but potato doesn’t count them as people.

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Jalfrezi, MaxCut, cassette, AngryQueer, 6ix, SenorKeeed the IVth, churchill, NotBruceZ isn’t what I would consider “lots of people” but you sure care a lot.

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Should we only permit posts that the majority of people care about? If you want that level of moderation, maybe lovemuffin/wellnamed is available.

I feel like you’re (the royal “you’re”, not specifically NBZ) ignoring the sentence before I said nobody cares

If you want to piss and moan about moderation, do it here and not in the COVID thread, or a memes thread, or new threads started to get around a throttle on this one, etc.

If you want to complain about things MrWookie posted 3 years ago, do it in French BBV or better yet just don’t constantly rehash the same shit for the 30th time.

Anyways, if you think AQ is lying about your modding, I’d prefer you leave handling moderation of that to another mod who isn’t directly involved.


Stop. No.


If you miss commonwealth, blame him or ask him to come back posting as a regular member. He abused his mod powers and, like meb although taking a lot longer, finally had the sense to voluntarily stop.

This post is clearly the best way to get me to stop.