About Moderation

Say what you will about commonwealth, no one posted more words in the rectangle than that guy. A true poster, through and through.


He had his positives and his flaws. I don’t think he was temperamentally suited to being a mod, but I was fine with him as a poster.


CW was a fine poster! I needed a few mouse replacements scrolling through the walls of text but if you read the first line and the last, he got there! Think the dude luckboxxed a WSOP bracelet too… UP legend IMO

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there are no admins that are able to do much as far as I’m aware. As you can see the remaining 2 staff have severe differences about how to do things. btw, I can’t view that forum, but it doesn’t matter.

TLDR you’re right but this place is too far gone, there is no recovery possible.

I won’t be posting anymore, as soon there will be a new place. I wish everyone but a few of you well.


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Log of Key Moderator Actions:

He probably misheard it as “c-word”

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At least we can all feel good about otatop’s consenting to us all PMing him to tell him he’s a coward.


give it a shot, he’ll ban you for a fucken month. But you’re a troublemaker.

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Who could have foreseen that a forum condoning an admin reading private messages and making them public would struggle in future with forum unity? You’re not to blame of course.

Well that would explain some conspicuous absences in recent weeks. gl with that. I don’t think it’s going to go the way you hope.

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I mean have I done anything about your public harassment of me like questioning my mental health (thanks for deleting the post) or calling me an incel?

Fuck off.


This seems like an inappropriate response.


Sorry, I’ll go make a post fantasizing about someone else murdering a politician or something.


Full chortle on that exchange



Are you denying being an incel?

Even in Forum Warz, we should expect a minimum level of decency from each other, what the fuck is this, fuck off man.


Wasn’t the post something like, are you ok? Let’s not get carried away.

or calling me an incel?

Again with the imaginarium.

The implication was that wanting to wield power over other people against their will increases the probability that a person becomes an incel. Don’t take it personally if it doesn’t apply to you.

eta: also it was a joke, come on.

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