About Moderation

Go ahead and explain how

For future reference can I get a list of threads that are not included in the Adults With Autism Support Group?

is not an insult.

I’m not sure that’s how it works.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but you only got silenced for 2 hours (instead of 24) for this post

Perfect string of posts by you that followed this one.

So your intent was to compliment everyone who cares about moderation by calling them autistic?

Nah I’ve had better but I’d give them a solid 9 out of 10.

By “I’m not sure that’s how it works” I meant you asking me questions and demanding explanations.

But also,

wat. And, what? What does “everyone who cares about moderation” mean?

Good talk.

I’m talking about talking about a fast food boycott in a fast food thread, or a poker match in the poker thread, or about moderation in the about moderation thread, or more broadly, forum politics on a politics forum.

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Lol are you fucking serious?

I like best how you all totally thought you’d be one of the few to not shock the dude on the other side of the wall in the Milgram Experiments.

Whoa, careful strawmanning while you’re JAQing off, things could get messy.

is that actual madlibs?

So the ‘strawman’ is that when you read about the Milgram Experiments you imagined yourself not electrocuting the guy, but the non-strawman is that you did?

Yeah I know, I don’t care about that part.

A post was merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (old original thread)

Hey, my account was anonymised (without request) minutes after an (unrequested) 10yr ban (inclusive golf thread, NBD) - no fellatio requested by any staff member

I’d like to expand on this and possibly give some clarification to @6ix who seems generally unaware of this issue.

in the ASD community (autism spectrum disorder is considered the polite word for it) it is often a subject of great debate and angst the usage of the words “autism” and “autistic” because they are frequently used as offensive insulting slurs online. Lots of groups have had to straddle this awkward middle ground where they embrace the “autistic” label, because that is what is most colloquially familiar term to people, but also reject it because of its history as a slur.

I’ll say this - even the worst n-word dropping WoW discords I’m in ban the use of the word autistic. It’s considered an offensive term in and of itself by a lot of people.

6ix, to give him full credit that he definitely does not deserve, probably did not realize this, and I suspect so because he didn’t seem to even understand what ASD meant. Maybe others here don’t. But “autism” is definitely used as a slur across the world wide web, I am fairly certain 6ix is/was aware of this, and I consider myself a part of that community and am very active in support groups for it across the web.

To me, and I’ve discussed this privately with the mods, that was one of the most abhorrent bullying posts I’ve ever seen on this site, and for you to only receive a 2hr ban and me to receive a perma and then a retroactive 24 hr for using the word “dumb fucks” while you’re still sitting here trolling over the autistic stuff is a bit hilarious, but I am just trying to inform here, not cause shit.

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