About Moderation


You could just not post anymore, or only post in the golf thread. None of the moderation stuff matters at all

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@moderators I am grunching here while on vacation in Disney World so I have no idea what is going on and have a ton of unread posts in this thread but I believe there is some kind of misunderstanding. @jmakin does not currently want to be perma silenced or anonymized. Please do not anonymize him, per his request. Thank you.

Noted. This is why we have waiting periods for these things.

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Haven’t we had multiple people demand an account anonymizing and then come back? Mods should stop granting these requests unless there’s an actual PII issue, it’s clear they’re being asked for out of spite and they could potentially fuck up the site for everyone else. Just walk away if you don’t like this place, FFS.


Can’t imagine what gave me the impression he still currently wanted to be anonymized.

You did post something to the effect of “reply yes if you want to be anonymized” and he didn’t do that. In any event, it is currently my understanding that he doesn’t want to be anonymized. Again, I haven’t read this whole exchange.

Anonymization just changes the username everywhere it was posted, deleting the accounts is what causes problems. It’s also impossible for a mod to do and pretty much has to be done by goreo.

I guess anonymizing is fine then, but deletions should be completely out of the question outside of extremely compelling situations.

(post deleted by auteur)


I’m kind of the belief that the internet + politics is a wretched combo for a lot folks with addicted personalities and it seems like it’s the wild west right now as we are still relatively new to understanding the damage it does. To me, the self nuking or account anon feels similar to drugs or alcohol behavior in terms of the person trying to escape from it for their own self interest. Just walking away after 100k posts and a decade of your life spent would seem pretty difficult.


It’s fine if it doesn’t risk breaking the site. Deletions ought to be out of the question. It’s just going to be another way for the perma-grievance squad to fuck with this community.

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Yeah, I dont want to influence any changes because I have no idea what would be healthy for the site. I just read your last sentence and my impression was that just walking could possibly be a far more challenging task than we give.

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That’s fair. Maybe this is more of an addiction issue than I realize.

Thanks lol but the whole thing is too dumb to even deserve your rebuttal. Here’s an example of content:

This isn’t about a low-content gif/jpeg reply. I mean, come on, Didn’t Read Lol is a tried and true classic.

It’s that the mf clearly actually didn’t read it, and just assumed I was making some crazy conspiracy theory about why Robbi must be cheating, when, in fact, I was making an analogy about perception with a story that made me look like I could easily be wrong about Robbi cheating. He saw a bunch of words and mspaints and just went for it lol. That’s like the shittiest shittastic of shitposting.

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You’re the perma-grievance squad. You’re still doing it right now.



19 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (old original thread)