About Moderation (old original thread)

Ooh, this chat again. Last time I participated in this one I seem to have got myself implicated in all sorts of drama that followed.

Anyway, marty, I seem to recall that you were on the opposite side that time I was drunk and complaining that my jokes were being flagged for being offensive round here.

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Wait, what? I already put in the “political activism” section of my CV that I was once a proud member of the stupidity posse.


Lol I don’t care, and I don’t remember who said what anyway. If it was you, it would have been somewhere in this thread: https://unstuckpolitics.com/t/snowflakes-flagging-posts-and-stereotyping-jokes

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That thread got spun off from this one, I think we might have exchanged words here prior to that, but like I say, not sure, I was pretty drunk.

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With professional assistance and copious amounts of prescription drugs I’ve been able to get by.


I agree that this is wrong regardless of who does it. I just felt inclined to point out that this was done to me repeatedly by a couple posters with no pushback from the community/mods until the big blowup. So it’s not like the community/mods are being biased about it, and it’s not like jman is the only one who does it (assuming he has, I don’t know what you’re referring to but I take you at your word).

Flagged this as a false/unsubstantiated character attack on @j8i3h289dn3x7. He’s calling jman a racist here with no proof.

We all know this. Doesn’t mean you should get a pass for using the word in front of an international audience.

You ever said it loudly in public in the US or Canada? If not I suggest you come do that two or three times and then see what reactions you see. Nobody is telling you guys not to use it privately here or in your daily lives in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand (is it used there? I’m not sure), or any other place where it functions in a different context and is not as offensive. We’re telling you that this is an international site and that word is extremely offensive to lots of people.

Marty 2020: Fuck Your Feelings, Snowflakes! Make Unstuck Great Again! MUGA!!!

If several posters from outside the US said that mfer is a word you simply don’t use in a public setting because it is so offensive, I’d stop using it here and have no problem with that. This isn’t complicated stuff guys, like it’s quite odd that a handful of people are making a handful of uber conservative arguments here.

I think the difference is that I recognized my error, didn’t make any additional objectionable posts, and ended my interaction with the poster I was in conflict with.


Just to add that while I find some words more offensive than others I’m not offended by any of them.

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He deleted the post himself, the only modding that would have been called for was deleting it and saying knock it off. So the lack of modding was fine as he’d already done that himself, and good on him for that. He was a bit of a dick afterward, but I was being aggro on an issue so I’m sure I came off as a dick too so no hard feelings.

The guy he called a sanctimonious c-word

I mean, I’m not personally offended at hearing the c word or being called it, but I’m a guy. I recognize the harshness of it and I understand it’s deeply offensive to a lot of women, hence I advocate for not using it.

We’re a like 95% male forum, we’d like that to change, and people are running around using the absolute most offensive word in the English language to women in I dunno at least 30-50% of the English speaking world?

And I assume it’s also the most offensive word toward women in the UK/Ireland/Australia, it’s just not quite past the point of being unusable in public. Right?

I mean as a reference, you don’t see people using words like bitch or slut around here all that often. There was pushback a while back to the rampant use of stuff like “attention whore” and it mostly went away.

It’s not like this is just some US vs UK culture war thing or personal vendetta, this forum has tried to improve to be more welcoming for women a few times in similar ways.

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You’re almost literally making the “fuck your feelings” argument regarding the c-word. You’re literally borrowing the argument tactics of the American deplorable right.


And here:

At least own your argument style and admit you’re on the conservative side here of being unwilling to adjust your behavior/language one iota to accommodate the feelings of a subset of people.

We’re not doing this again this weekend. There is now a 1 hour wait between posts in this thread and idgaf who that pisses off.



The fuck? You honestly expect me to believe a word, the primary meaning of which is a derogatory term for female genitalia, is not a sexist slur? I can hardly even believe someone would try to claim as much.

And no, the appropriateness of language is not decided by the people not offended by it, even if they are the majority. It’s about being respectful to the minority who is, even if they are not speaking up about it.


Serious question: Does the site software include the ability for a profanity filter?

Bill Gates can donate 99.997% of his wealth and still live off $100K a year til he’s 100 with zero interest/return on his remaining cash. He could donate half his net worth and still be worth about 300,000 times what I am and that’s before accounting for the fact that at least about 50% of my net worth is more like working capital for my business than it is like personal wealth.

My ability to get halfway decent healthcare is contingent on my ability to pay for it, and I have enough to go a dollar above Medicaid eligibility level + health insurance for maybe eight years if I were lucky.

So really awesome comparison there, bud.

I notice you left misogynistic off the list.

It is offensive to women.

Nobody said it did. Your argument is using the same tactics as the American deplorable right.

And arguing to protect the use of language that is offensive to a large subset of people is inherently socially conservative.

And yet you’re not.

You guys continue to ignore the point being made even as we repeatedly say we know that it is used differently in the UK, Ireland, Australia, etc.

Way to stay classy with the personal insults, jalfrezi. In before “I didn’t say ‘fuck off you ■■■■■ I said I’d go so far as to say it!”

Typical trollish behavior.

I love it personally. Not joking. I would love it if there was a feature on the site to self-limit yourself to X posts per hour/day/etc overall or in a given thread.

Yeah they’re arguing the opposite side of what their beliefs would be on any other issue. IMO It’s either because they dislike the people bringing this up that much or because they view it not as pushback on the word but as pushback on British/Irish/Aussie culture.

As we appear to be at an impasse, I’d like to offer a trade. We stop saying ■■■■■■ and you fuckers learn to spell “colour” (amongst other words, list to follow) correctly.

Personally, I find American “spelling” more offensive than any specific word, and die a little inside every time I see it. Deal?


Oh, right, being more respectful towards women is such a burden that you obviously need some sort of compensation.

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As an American I’d never call a woman a ■■■■ but I would call some internet message board goers a ■■■■■ Like the person that can’t stand people arguing on the internet.



One term is a vulgur word, the other more of a personal attack implying participation in incest.