About Moderation

Dude you are almost there

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This is a warning for bringing up old drama.

This is a warning for stirring up drama by trolling about/celebrating bans.

You keep saying there’s a re-re-re litigation. No one’s relitigating — it was put to a vote back then and Wookie lost. The claim of racism should’ve been removed back then. To say people are relitigating something that was already decided in their favor is a bit much if you’re using it as a basis for bans. Just correct the prior record and move on.

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just chuckling at what a sad human being I’d have to be to flag my last post. you guys have a great weekend. I’m sure your lives are excellent.

Thanks, CW, for opening a bunch of new threads for the ones that hit 10k


Post flagged for personal attack

oh NO! the people that doxx people on this forum are mad about being flagged and banned for personal attacks! however will I recover from this flag?

Post flagged for bringing up old drama

It’s been said here if it’s the truth it can’t possibly be an insult. So if I call cassette et al an asshole, is that still a personal attack? eagerly waiting your good faith responses.

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: My sources say no

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Looks like you’re in the clear


discobot 4 mod!


a live view of the captains pressing post report button:

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Personally I think more moderation decisions should be up to discobot. Guaranteed impartiality.


How does it go, again? “It’s only limited by your imagination”?

Yea, except there are logs on this site :slight_smile:

That is so cool. @discobot Disco!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.