About Moderation (old original thread)

I’m not talking about OOT. I’m talking about the 2+2 politics forum. The people bitching in ATF were the far right wing loonies who were getting consistently and properly banned for shitposting. The problem on 2+2 politics was the admins, not the mods.

Yeah, this. The mods started temp-banning more, and the got a rash of shit for it. They were doing the right thing. Cool-offs work.

I have no idea what you are trying to give instructions for here. Edit: If you’re trying to imply that Fly was a troll, or was trolling people, or was stalking and trolling people, well then you clearly did not understand Fly’s posting. And I say this as someone who caught plenty of shit from Fly over the years, especially when I was a prosecutor. But I would never compare him as a poster to some of the others here.

fly caught bans all the time. Also, he was a national treasure.

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Yeah, also this.

Fly made many many personal attacks and ad hominem, and was also mostly correct in his positions. He was also very lightly moderated at some points but that may have changed.

My point is 2p2 politics was full of the same that goes on here, if not worse. And jman was a frequent target.

And, jman, you mentioned jal…well, I like him. I’ve also banned him. Is that good enough for you? If not, what do you want me to do about him?

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I’m the one who started temp-banning more. Wookie and skydiver got a lot of shit mostly for just talking about it. It kinda seems like bans aren’t the issue.

Fly is the second worst poster I’ve encountered in 25 years being online. Sure he was right in content but hands down the worst in terms of context I’ve ever come across. He is a legitimately bad person. Anyone who views him as a model for posting needs to seriously self evaluate.

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I was not a target in the same way. If I got involved in a thread he was involved in, then we would tango. He didn’t follow posters from thread to thread and forum to forum and drop creepy personal details to attack them.

No, that’s literally all I want. When he goes after people, fucking tempban him. That’s all. And it has worked! But when a bunch of his pals pile on the moderators for doing their job and handing out tempbans, well then I’m going to speak up as well.

Dude, I’ll totally drop this forever if you just admit that you were hit and running with all those gifs and that the result was starting shit. Whether or not it was your plan, that’s what went down.

Fly nearly single handedly converted a 100+ person community from right-wing ACism to varying strains of leftist social democracy. I highly doubt anyone else here has achieved anything close to that degree of positive influence (perhaps PocketChads or Sabo no clue).

His only flaw is that he is a unicorn whose methods have attempted to be poorly imitated with detrimental results.


Ok and Steve Jobs created Apple. He was still a genuinely awful human being.

20 year old college libertarians became 30 year olds. Or they just posted somewhere else. If jman was beaten into becoming a leftist, he’s the unicorn.


Driving them away because they couldn’t rationally justify their arguments anymore still counts.

Ok, great for 2p2 politics forum I guess? Until that changed. What’s that do for the world?

It led to the creation of Unstuck Politics and beyond.

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I don’t know how helpful it is right now to re-litigate 22’s moderation. There were a lot of absolutely toxic shitheads who wouldn’t have permitted in any other online community but were somehow allowed to endlessly AIDS up the forum for a variety of reasons. This place is inevitably going to be run differently, largely because the owners aren’t senile Trumpy jerks.


Which universities give out degrees in Marxism? Which universities have a Marxism department? I can see someone writing a thesis or dissertation on Marxism, but their degree would be in philosophy or economics or whatever field of study.

I think consistency is desirable and people should be allowed to laugh at other POVs.