About Moderation (old original thread)

Awesome! Then we’re all good.

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FTR you have treated me more than fairly for which I thank you for x

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And I’ve done 75% of your bans ever, for the whole history of the site.

Ok, this is me whining about people complaining about me, but @boredsocial, why am I the problem here? Because I’ve been polite to churchill or something?


I think the concept of good and bad faith posting is weaponized to a degree that massively overestimates how common it really is on the internet. People use “bad faith posting” to mean “something I disagree with” way too often. I’d estimate that 75%+ of the time someone claims a post is bad faith, the poster made it in completely good faith and there is just a misunderstanding or disagreement.

The concept of bad faith posting is weaponized so much for rhetorical wins, I’m convinced all discussion would be massively improved if it was never used.


Yes I’d vote for that.

I think the opposite, but I think a lot of posters I like, including myself, at least stray from being in complete good faith a lot. Complete good faith is very rare. I try to do it most of the time and it takes being very publicly open about my motivations. JohnnyTruant is an example of someone who tries hard to be in good faith even when he’s heated. He’s called me on bad faith. It does sting.

This is the point where I was about to drop a “wat in god” but opted not to when I realized Trolly had simply mini-grunched and not read the very next post after the one he was responding to, and that either Microbet would clarify in a diplomatic and pragmatic manner and Trolly would apologize for the confusion, or, Trolly would realize before and preemptively retract his statements that were clearly well-intentioned but counterproductive considering their inaccuracies.

wat in god


Maybe we are using good/bad faith differently.

When I say someone is arguing in bad faith I mean they don’t actually believe the point they are making and it’s only designed to troll, create argument, or obfuscate. They are purposely misstating something to make the discussion more difficult.

I think this is exceedingly rare.


What standards? I have called for the permaban of nobody. This is a lie.

The moderation of the 2+2 politics forum worked great, and it was a great forum, a great community, and it thrived. It was the admins on 2+2 that were the problem, not the moderators or the moderation of the politics forum.


When I say “BS has been open about this” I’m implying that you haven’t. Call that one a soulread if you will. BS couldn’t have been more clear about it.

There were a ton of feuds on 2p2, a ton of insults, and a ton of people complaining about everything including moderation in ATF.

Clovis would be honest about it I’m sure. He was routinely shit on on 2p2 by a poster who was frequently given short bans, but allowed to continue posting.

Actually, why talk about Clovis…a ton of shit was directed at you. The search function actually works at 2p2, but I’m not going to post any of what I easily found.

Kinda weird that like a week ago the mods were talking about walking but ITT Bored is the bad guy who made this all up in his head. It’s ok to disagree on the path forward but seriously suggest people think objectively, set aside bias and stop revising history to meet the narrative needed to win their argument.

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So, I’ll just give you directions on how to get these posts…site:twoplustwo.com, advanced search, poster FlyWf, keyword jman. That’s what was allowed in Politics at 2p2.

The funniest part of those years was how insular and self-congratulatory the Politics forum was. If you didn’t subscribe to ACism and didn’t know what it was, you were already too stupid to talk to, but if you did, you were obviously brilliant; aren’t we so smart?


GTFO with this bullshit, your soul reads leave much to be desired. All I want is for the mods to use tempbans a lot more when people engage in trolling or stalking/personal attack behavior. And actually, the mods have been doing that lately. And temp bans work! If you’re going to get temp banned every fourth post because you can’t stop trolling, then eventually you stop! (See, ie: E2, D2). The fact that you are quite high on Jalfrezi’s supply clouds your vision.