About Moderation (old original thread)

Astronaut gif about how it’s always been drama. Do you people remember the nunnehi fights?


Yeah dude he was a huge problem and him quitting was a wonderful development for the site. The fact that we didn’t show him the door before he quit under his own power is a scandal lol.


Every post that mentions a specific poster is a huge detriment to actually fixing things around here.


I’ve always assumed fights are normal around here. Has this community ever had an extended period of peace?

You’re right. I’m not trying to compromise with you guys. I think we’ve given you entirely too much compromise already. I was against the earlier compromises and every inch you guys were given you took a mile. I disagree with the factual basis of your complaints about the mods. I see you as running a Nazi style ‘accuse the other side of doing what you’re doing’ misinformation campaign where you constantly work the refs and complain while being incredibly toxic.

In short yeah I’ve got a problem with jalfrezi and every single person who thinks he has a place here.


Easy enough to ignore both him and the people who engaged with him. I engaged with him for a short time before not having enough time.

But, you could have started a poll if you thought he should be gone. Or you could have been a mod. But, what do you want? You want to be a non-mod who gets to ban people just by telling mods to ban people?

A fair number of people agreed with nunnehi and wanted him to post. You don’t get to just ignore that a lot of people disagree with you here. You are free to start a forum that you control and then you can get your way.

Didn’t you quite recently have a post about the huge increase of fighting and wonder if I have banned people disproportionately? (which I have)

Which I’ve done. I wouldn’t even know they were still posting if they weren’t so good at getting a rise out of other posters and getting awful threads like this started to divert the creative energies of this community into utterly worthless crap like this thread.

This thread is a perfect example of how I get involved with these posters. They say something that offends another poster I actually like (which is almost everyone), that poster says something, I fail a willpower check and view the ignored content… and then we’re off to the races.

Ignoring people doesn’t work unless everyone ignores them. They don’t so it doesn’t.

Maybe he’s expressing his views on moderation in the moderation thread?

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clovis can definitely be the hero we need. Not being sarcastic.

(Is it ok if I mention a poster positively?)


Ok, but what does he want? He wants Jal, Churchill and someone else permad. Mods don’t just perma regular users. I’m telling him that’s not how it works.

Do you want Wookie or skydiver to just perma people without a vote? If so, how about me? Or could Smaac perma without a vote? Pocketchads? Can he perma without a vote?

No dude. We have a few specific problem posters and we need to be clear exactly what we’re talking about. Conflict isn’t inherently a bad thing. Conflict can be necessary to get to a resolution. And that’s what these situations need… a resolution.

One group of posters has shown no capacity for peace. They have to go. The fight is never resolved for them. Even when they win it’s just giving them an advantageous setup for the next fight they plan to start because the fighting is what they’re here for.

It’s three specific people’s fault. You I just disagree with. I get where you’re coming from and you’re posting in good faith. Different points of view certainly but a valid and valuable point of view that I never even considered putting on ignore.

I obviously think you’re wrong about jal and I think he’s exploiting your anti authority bias (which you came by as honestly as anyone I know).

Also just so everyone realizes that I’m not a full blown cuse fanboy know that I know that he got into it with you and zara… and those are the ones I wince about. The guy is pretty thin skinned and doesn’t know how to let a fight go. He’s far from perfect… but he made up for that by going on huge high quality posting benders. He was a straight up hero on election night on discord. With everyone it’s a give and a take. The problem is that the three posters I consider serious problems take a great deal and give absolutely nothing of value back.

The posters here are too good to quit or I already would have honestly. I tried but there aren’t any better COVID resources and the politics threads are pretty outstanding. 90%+ of the posters here are a standard deviation better than you’d find elsewhere… which is why I’m wasting my time on this thread.

I don’t agree. Let’s say we ban all the people you want today. There will be new ones in a month. We need structure to moderate the community which is what several people are putting in hard work to accomplish.

My nature is closer to you. I am ALWAYS the boss in my real life. Every job I’ve ever had I ended up being the boss, including my first dishwasher job as a 16 year old. It is taking me real self control not to come in and make a post that says “we need to do x,y,z to fix this” and assume it will be done.

But this community has made one thing very clear since the start. It wants to be consensus driven. Given my history I’m pretty skeptical that pure consensus can work but I’m not the boss here. I’ve chosen to be part of this community. Every day I read it or make a post I’m making the same choice. You are too. You have to decide if the consensus process is too much for you are accept. I’m willing to give it a try.

Or simply block this entire sub forum and never think about it again.

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Do you think it worked better at 2p2?

He very clearly wants this community to not implode. I don’t entirelyagree with his views on how to do that but I’d like to think he’s free to express this opinion here. You can tell us you disagree. Maybe he’s belaboring his point, but w/e.

I think 22 did a better job of removing the obvious bad posters but much worse at the edge cases.

No man. Jal kept reigniting the fights over and over again. CW would, at significant difficulty given his personality, set one of these things down and then he’d get sucked back in by Jal needling him. Of course CW is a pain in the hole as well.

No offense meant here but if you think what churchill is doing in the COVID thread is defensible I don’t know how to proceed with that information lol. It’s definitely incorrect and makes me think you’re grading posters solely on whether or not you agree with them.

My personal preference is for forum drama not consuming threads for days at a time. The big picture goal I’m mostly paying attention to on this topic is posting quality over time. I want it to be as high as it possibly can be. You absolutely belong here because your viewpoint is unique, interesting, and makes the forum better. I can’t say the same for Jal. Just look at his actual posts in the last half an hour lol.