About Moderation (old original thread)

No. I think the intensity of fighting has been greater recently, resulting in more bans, but I think there’s always been some sort of feuding going on and drama bombs are a regular occurrence.

Getting rid of bad posters? Yeah it worked great until MM got involved. I suppose jmakin may turn into MM one day, but I don’t think it’s likely.

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We have perma’d people who maybe you haven’t noticed. I’ve done one or two permas myself.

No, no, no, no, no, and no.

Perma’ing RAIDS is not something you get credit for. It’s ‘at least the system allowed us to get rid of RAIDS’ lol. It’s something that should have been automatic and done way faster.

No it’s just pointing out that I’m not seeking out conflict for conflicts sake. In fact usually when I have a lot of conflict with a specific poster my solution is to put them on ignore so that we can coexist without harming the threads. You know that from personal experience lol.

In our case it’s probably just both of us being thin skinned and naturally suspicious people.

I’m sure that’s true.

My position is simple. This place is awesome. The current system works pretty well but needs a little shoring up. We don’t need to raze the place and rebuild. We just need to add a little support to our foundations.


I’m not going to make a list of truly awful posters at 2p2 over the years who were never banned (or who just came back over and over so it didn’t do any good), but it would be a long long list.


Ok, great. Bored can say all he wants that so and so are bad posters and he wants them perma’d, but I’m telling him that’s not how it works. And I have tempbanned all these people…more than other mods in fact.

And I’m telling you that a pretty good place to start debugging the system we have is to ask ourselves why those three posters aren’t already banned. Obviously there’s a hole in the system so big you can fit a school bus through it.

You want watevs or churchill permad, make a case and start a thread. Almost no one here agrees with your idea that mods can just perma people. You think churchill needs a tighter rein? Wookie is in that thread a lot. Are you reporting posts? You want jal banned, start a thread if you want. I’m against that and will argue about the value he does contribute and I think a lot of people will agree.

But…what’s your complaint here? That goofyballer hasn’t permad enough people or that he’s my minion and you don’t like me?

Stop. Stop accusing people of “wanting people banned.” Did you “want people banned” when you dropped the ban hammer on them? Did you have “ban lust?”

BS and you and I all like this place and want it to continue running. We all agree that modding is sometimes necessary. We just disagree on how much leeway abusive posters should get before the mods step in.

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Maybe you should go into where economist and others are doing anarchism and suggest that mods should be able to permaban without any kind of vote? Is that what you want?

Are you reading his posts? Bored wants 3 people permad. He’s naming them. He says that’s what he wants. I’m not soulreading him. I’m just reading his posts.


How can I report posts I don’t read? The problem is that other people are responding to these people. That’s not a problem with any of the people I have on ignore except these 3 specific posters… but they are getting a rise out of someone every day just about.

This is a really extreme contortion of what I’ve been saying. Honestly all of your responses ITT to me have been.

FTR I think I have 2 temp bans lifetime - perma seems a bit harsh - well 3 temps if you count that top-up extension for the edit.

And for those who wondered, the bans are US time not local i.e a ban until ‘tomorrow’ = ‘tomorrow evening’ local GMT :)

Yeah, everyone has ugly motives. Except you and Jalfreizi, I guess.

That’s called criticism. I have substance behind what I’m saying. I’ve given it a substantial amount of thought. This is a politics forum lol.

Condescending is telling me that the reason I don’t agree with something is that I don’t understand it. That shit is a really sensitive point for me. I know you can identify with that.

You said before that you peek.

You want specific posts moderated, talk about those posts and to the mods. There’s a feature for that. I’m not going to perma churchill for a body of work that I don’t see. Mods don’t just perma. And I’m not going to temp him when there’s not even a post to look at. I did warn him recently because someone PMd me about something.

I’ve temped jal and am likely to do it again.

Watevs is ripe for a vote on perma and you won’t even take the initiative to do that.