About Moderation (old original thread)

You want there to be rules here, but I don’t know how to make that work. There are a lot of one off situations and nearly every real problem poster is a different kind of trainwreck.

Watevs basically never posts real content and mostly just flings poo at other posters.

Jalfrezi mostly seems to post to escalate conflict. He’s a pretty subtle problem, but the amount of problems he’s managed to cause with small cutting remarks beneath the notice of most of the forum is pretty crazy. He also always has someone he’s working on at any given time. When Cuse threw up his hands and quit he started on someone new immediately. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but he’s working it out through starting fires on UP and that’s not OK with me.

Churchill is just a toxic pairing of combative and bad at posting. He has no idea when he’s supposed to be the student, when he’s supposed to be an equal, and when he’s supposed to be a teacher… which is why he’s authentically trying to tell a some kind of bio PHD and a front line COVID ER doctor how things are with the pandemic even as they’ve kept the rest of us a solid month ahead.

These situations are by definition outliers. Most posters don’t need any moderation at all. Creating a bunch of rules and guidelines is going to result in people who don’t need to get banned getting banned so that we can all feel consistent. What we need here is discretion and judgement not code.

I like that you at least try to be honest and sometimes include Trolly in posters who go around sniping and starting unpleasantness. Include jman and yourself along with jalfrezi and you’re on to something.


And bored, I’m really making an effort to communicate here.

We are doing bullshit here. Economist is doing anarchism. Do you at least know what I mean?


You are too focused on the short term goal of getting rid of a few posters you don’t like. We are trying to solve the larger issue which will help address your specific issues.


Other than these moderation threads and my genuine intolerance for the idea of land reform (because it’s settled goddamn it) where have I been out of line in any way?

What bugs me about you is that you view the person who attacks and the person who defends themselves as being equals. I very rarely start anything with anyone, but have been known to show up and defend people when it seems to me like they need it.

And jalfrezi,

I can’t believe you liked that post, but skipped liking the post about Capt. Beefheart.

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I’m in the UK which is 2 or 3 months ahead of the ROW when it comes to covid (see UK variant). I’m posting top ranking sources latest reports days, weeks or months before other countries have their own version of the same findings - if you don’t keep up with the thread, you’ll not realise that 2 or 3 week later all I post becomes confirmed.

I think I made 1 or 2 sniping posts at CR what 6 months ago - seems BS can’t let that outta his head


Who are you defending? Still cuse? He defended himself and you won’t drop that. Jman? Jeez, he does drive by sniping constantly. Have you seen his meme posts?

You defended cuse’s relentless persecution of nunnehi based on nunnehi having mental problems? I don’t see you as being motivated by protecting those who have trouble defending themselves.


I missed that post. Your daughter has unusual tastes. I hope she hasn’t been doing too many drugs.

NB “too many”, not “any”


You and me, buddy.


What’s up now lol?

I’m including the c word thread as a moderation thread.

Yeah I don’t accept that having 2000 post threadnauts about moderation is anything but a systemic problem I guess. Nothing about any of this is productive. We have some one off problems that need to be handled, the larger issue is that the system we’ve built requires endless debate to do much of anything.

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What drama has jman started?


So you’re seeing the problem with jal here. He’s literally gas lighting here in an attempt to create drama. The guys main goal when he’s here is to start a fire. It’s why I have had him on ignore for like a year lol. He can snipe at me all he wants and I give him exactly as much attention as he deserves. The problem is that other posters refuse to also put him on ignore and let him get to them and then fight with him instead of creating actual substantial content.

Other people will claim that several people lacking the self control to put jal on ignore are the problem. I would argue that those posters are the reason why ‘jUST PUT THEM ON IGNORE111’ isn’t a good argument. If one person doesn’t put him on ignore and drags most of the people in the thread into an exchange of shit posting the problem is that Jal is actively trying to start fires. Just because we have a sprinkler system doesn’t mean we should be ok with someone intentionally starting fires.

I would really like to see where I started anything as well tbqh. I got a bit toxic when people started pushing land reform, but that’s because I’m as close to certain as I get that land reform beyond tinkering with things like interest rates and zoning leads to fairly indiscriminate mass murder.

I want it to be what it was at inception and what its predecessor was, before all the vindictive polls about banning and quarantining various posters who didn’t meet with the approval of about 3 people lol.

And my reply to BS was sincere - all the “drama” going back months has been in moderation threads afaik.


After I’m done being a mod, I’m going to try to demonstrate by example how little of a problem this is by ignoring all these threads and all arguments for a good stretch. Not that it’s all that taxing, it’s just time for a break.


You and me both dude. Honestly I’m so tired of this shit it’s unreal. Such a waste of time for everyone.

Your last mod action was for this:

directed at Jbro, who left the site shortly afterwards. It certainly wasn’t the main reason he left, but it certainly didn’t help.


It was accurate which has always been a good enough reason for toxicity for me. I’m not in any way perfect and don’t pretend to be.

And by that point most of Jbro’s posting was just being pissed at the mods. He was on his way out already. Losing people like that is why just letting people be as toxic as they want is a bad idea. A lot of people can’t handle it. Either they leave or they participate in ways that amplify the toxicity.