About Moderation (old original thread)

And yet, a poll about removing Wookie as a mod just lost 90 to freaking 10.

I mean you want us to co-sign on your process of the mods writing the referendum themselves? No. Let someone neutral that everyone likes like @beetlejuice do it.


I fully co-sign that post.

Do you disagree with anything here as a path forward?

Sure great. I just think it is good if the mods all co-sign. But itā€™s not critical if people think itā€™s a problem for some reason.

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It would be good, sure. It would also be good for wookie and other mods to just say that they personally adopt the custom of rotating mods and say that future mods should also adopt that custom. Without going through the hassle of endless voting that only a tiny fraction of the tiny forum cares about. Both would be good, I donā€™t think either will happen.

The 5 mods donā€™t set policy for our community. The community does. Itā€™s completely irrelevant if wookie or the other mods support rotation beyond their individual votes as members.

What? It isnā€™t irrelevant at all. If wookie and the other mods set an example that this is the custom that mods here follow, successive mods would follow that custom. You wouldnā€™t have to make a rule, and it would make any particular person holding the (apparently, now) hallowed and sacred modship less important.

Not even 7am and already 80 unread posts in this thread

My god, so much for my ā€œpeople will get exhausted of thisā€ theory

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Sure which is why I said already they should co-sign the discussion thread. My point is their support isnā€™t enough. We need a rule for the same reason we canā€™t rely on custom for trump to release his tax returns.

try yelling at them more

This isnā€™t helping. Letā€™s all try to get to a solution today.

WOOKIEā€™S PROPOSAL CALLED FOR THE COMMUNITY TO WRITE THE REFERNDUMS JOINTLY as we all recognize the wording of polls matters greatly. The polls he made in that thread were informal and he invited you to make your own informal polls as well.

You were the one who insisted on imposing your desired outcomes unilaterally.

You donā€™t even know what you are complaining about. Go read his post slowly and carefully, which you clearly did not do before you jumped down his throat. Or donā€™t and keep acting like a spoiled child.

I am certainly not yelling at anyone, nor did i intend to come off that way

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Thatā€™s a poll about ā€œremoving Wookie immediatelyā€ which unintentionally makes it seem like some kind of impeachment proceeding, which isnā€™t how it should be looked at.


seems that your goals are at cross purposes.

Do you think that if it was worded differently the result would be any different? i donā€™t.

I think thereā€™s very little support for simply yanking Wookie out and/or having Wook unilaterally step down.

You could make a better case for term limits, and making mods go through a periodic vote of no confidence if they want to continue being mods.

Holy cow guys. Letā€™s STOP talking about wookie and start focussing on a mod rotation.

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I know it would be slightly different, since Iā€™d vote in it. Possibly it would still be defeated, possibly any poll parsed as ā€œRemove X as modā€ will be seen as an attack on that mod. I donā€™t want Wookie gone, I want a system of modding that will incidentally entail his departure. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be back. Heā€™s a good mod!


Which is why Wookie proposed a gatekeeping system for creating polls that would be formally recognized. It wasnā€™t helpful that that thread got trolled into oblivion.

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