About Moderation (old original thread)

Totally agree on mod rotation. I don’t know how I can be more clear. I was actively in here trying to find a way to get there yesterday, as were you and several other posters, and who popped in to start the fight again, our buddy victoar.

I don’t care if I get laughed at for starting another poll. If someone else doesn’t do it by tonight I am going to start one to figure this mod rotation thing out.

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Gah, no. We already have too many pointless non-binding polls. Wookie already outlined a path to making a referendum that the community might consider binding.

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Is it actually going to happen? If so great.

If this is going to happen shouldn’t we just lock all the various other threads, at least temporarily?

I don’t know. Wookie’s proposal immediately got a wave of troll responses from keed & co. I tried to get Jal involved with getting the ball rolling and he refused. Nobody actually seems to want to put in the work of nominating a replacement and working with the community for a change.


It’s not politics though. Wookie is not really strongly part of any political subgroup here. He’s pretty much never bashing Bernie bros or liberals. It’s all personal.

It’s kind of shocking how much drama hidden posts and slight admonitions have caused. I don’t want to just say “have a thicker skin”, but I do think it would be good to have more people experience:

Poster: insult to another poster
Mod: stop fighting
Poster: I can’t believe you said that to me. Other poster started it.

From the perspective of being a mod.


You cannot be a peacemaker if you insist on continuing things like this.


Here is what should happen.

All the existing threads on this topic should be locked for a couple days,

one of the mods should start a new thread with the first poll to get rules established.

That post should be immediately co-signed by all mods. Ideally it is also co-signed by the likes of jal, victoar, keed etc as well.

Through a series of BINDING polls in that thread we hash this out once and for all.

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You’ll probably want to sort that out before installing keed, no?

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Pretty clearly Victor stopped giving a fuck a couple days ago.

I’ve been told to fuck off a couple times today, been called a liar and troll, been called stupid and you pick that as the egregious post. Interesting.

Anyway, you are right. It was a cheap shot out of frustration waking up to see people still arguing wookie is biased and should be gone. Victaor made this claim like 5 min ago!

Why? We didn’t sort it out before installing anyone else.


I have no interest in getting involved in this, but I think you are wrong about this and are failing to understand the issue. Jbro tried to explain with the patient of a saint but was wailed on from on all sides until he left. Let’s try and not drive out anybody else who has a different interpretation of events



The polling has not been consistent and the wording of polls has inadvertently or not made it an attack on mods to vote for rotation.

This kind of thing happens a lot irl with state propositions. Sometimes two contradictory props pass. Under the right circumstances and with the right polls, I think it could do well, but I don’t know if we’ll get there. It doesn’t take much “stop saying wookie is horrible” to derail any effort.

Ok fair. I’ll demand the same self reflection of myself I want of them.

Let’s say I have totally misinterpreted what has happened. Possible for sure.

Doesn’t the poll yesterday, at an absolute minimum, suggest the community does not think Wookie should be immediately removed?

Isn’t the solution mod rotation? It seems like there is massive widespread support for it. Lets get the process going.

Again, this is so hard. I’m not your parent. Please get over that I “scolded” you and not your sibling. I said that to you because you keep trying to make peace and I hoped you would listen.

Perhaps Victor will get banned for what he said. I can only do so much at one time and I’m trying to make this productive. To help you be productive because in between insulting people that’s what you’re trying to do. You won’t be able to do both at the same time.


Thing is, I can’t keep up and I don’t know that anyone can. There are rules floating around somewhere about how often and where we can do polls. Beetlejuice may or may not be the pope at this point.


I just got up to pee and will try to go back to sleep. Maybe later.

I agree which is why a temporary lock of all other About threads is critical to finding a solution.

Focus the discussion in one thread until we have a solution. It’s like locking us all in a room and not coming out until we have an answer.

Co-sign on now then. Please. We want the same thing. Let’s find a mutually agreeable solution.

Is saw your many attempts to do this when reading all this last night. Let’s do it!

Again I’m going back to sleep, but I can’t/won’t just lock threads without doing more to figure out what’s going on than I have time for.