About Moderation (old original thread)

Thanks for explaining it to him

Semi grunch

There are a handful of competing options. Seems like ranked choice voting would work. Need some agreeement on drafting the options.

It’s a small sample size and that could just be because we’ve had a run of good mods. Did cuse ever run a poll asking whether he should be de-modded? I certainly didn’t because I never objected to him being a mod. I don’t know if anyone else did.

For exactly the reasons Jbro had pointed out in the days before he walked and several others have stated today after clovis opened the ban wookie thread, it would take a remarkable set of circumstances for a mod to be voted off the island and it has very little to do with how good they are in the job. It will never happen and that’s not good on a community run board imo

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Do you really not understand how when one poster attacks you, and you turn that into a generalization of all “liberals” being such and such, that that’s not a “slight response” and it’s simply escalating a conflagration? I’m not excusing clovis here at all, his tone is dismissive and could probably be described as “dickish” but I wouldn’t call it over the top or out of line in this specific instance. I’m just saying one possible wrong doesn’t justify any response you can come up with and certainly don’t require you to pivot to an attack on an even broader group of people than the person you are mad at.

Victor, to have accused multiple people of toxicity/gaslighting but have made those recent posts…

Take a break dude.

Let’s keep the fighting out of this thread for awhile since we seem to be on the verge of something.

As Mervin Muffley said, “You can’t fight in here. This is the War Room.”

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They are both far too long. Anyone and everyone can and should get an opportunity to moderate a community moderated site


Will never happen that someone gets less than 67% approval? Even with 20% or whatever of you being anti all incumbents?

And even if so, so what? Make your case in the vote/discussion on term limits and if you lose then move on with life.

Right. It should be viewed as an obligation, not a privilege. The more it’s viewed as something to fight over, the more it’s going to be fought over. You’re making them kings when they should be petty functionaries.


Exactly. It’s a gross carryover from 22 and it’s really unfortunate.


You got it buddy. The 90% who voted against you today are all just too stupid to understand what really happened. None of us read any of the posts. It’s all a conspiracy to protect wookie.

Exactly. Mods are not gods. Mods are janitors (with no disrespect to janitors intended).


This whole thing is getting exhausting. I have kept up with the threads until now but I am running out of juice and am tempted to just peace out of the debate. I hope some resolution can be made soon.


That is a fine opinion and I might be convinced of it, let’s have a vote on it. Its time for the people arguing for a diffusal of power to start acting like fucking adults… and say yes I will accept the results of a democractically decided election so that the rest of us can trust you to act responsibly.

wow that is impressive. I lost steam about 3 hours ago. People can’t keep this up forever though, exhaustion will set in everywhere.

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I will consider not objecting to term limits if the combination of term length and number of terms means that any current mod can serve in that role for at least two more years.

Meta and process are kind of my jam, so I think I can keep this up pretty long.

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I think the only people who view the moderators as kings are those who are frequently moderated, which is such a tiny minority.


I’ve never been moderated on this site.