About Moderation (old original thread)

I ate one temp ban which I fully expected as I made the post in question. Don’t think I’ve so much as had a post hidden otherwise, could be wrong.

It could also be posters who feel that the people who disagree with them are insufficiently moderated. Keeed could theoretically have a problem with Wookie if he thinks Wookie permits too much abuse of Keeed.

I’m gonna just assume you don’t mind me reporting this…you were banned once for talking about violence inflicted on some horrible president and you said “Ban me if you want” in the post.

I don’t know if hiding posts shows up in the action log.

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Yeah, that’s the temp-ban I was talking about. Earned and worth it!

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lol what? I don’t gaf if people get mad at me and yell at me or whatever. I think it’s funny. It is!

Like, have you actually read any of my posts? Why are you writing “Keed is mad at Wookie” fan fiction?

why 2 years?

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To stymie anyone whose main goal is to maximize the probability of getting rid of Wookie and focus the debate on other concerns.

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None of this helps because the starting point of every argument is “why are you trying to ruin the forum with your constant trolling and bad faith posting and how can we get you to stop” towards people who don’t think they are trolling and writing in bad faith or trying to ruin the community.


No, that absolutely was not the starting point of Wookie’s thread:

I think the point he was making was that’s where the argument starts, not where the thread starts. And although his statement is phrased as an absolute, I’m guessing he also isn’t talking about literally “every” argument.

Look at it from the other side, Wookie thinks he is making a good faith effort to give them what they want and he immediately gets gangbanged and accused of acting in bad faith.

Just now in this very thread, there is agreement from Goofy that term limits could be a good idea but asks for a commitment that they will respect the results if people vote the other way. No such commitment came.

Just thinking your own ideas are good isn’t enough… you can’t bully the community into accepting your ideas.

At the very least, I’ve acknowledged my own suboptimal efforts as we’ve tried to adopt new mods and new standards, and I want to do better. That thread is absolutely a good faith effort to do so.


I believe you are acting in good faith.

I also believe everybody else is generally acting in good faith.

ETA: which is why I think yuv’s post is prescient. The argument starts, continues, and devolves as members not only doubt each other’s sincerity but accuse each other of insincerity.


I don’t doubt that at all, just to be clear. My post wasn’t insinuating that you are posting in bad faith. It was that you (and others) believe the other side of the argument is.


probably needs some sort of catchy title for this position, can’t see it catching on otherwise.

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Some interesting mod stats perhaps.

I have done more bans than Wookie. That’s total. And I’ve been a mod for 2 months. I’ve also done more bans than CommonWealth, ggoreo, smaac, zikzak, riskyflush or sky. Only goofy has done more bans than me and less than twice as many.

I don’t really have a point there. I’m just thinking about the recent accusation that me and my philosophy of not doing anything have been responsible for the downfall of this site. Just being bitter.

I’ll go back to making jokes and posting videos.


Everybody loves micro.

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Because they are. Full stop. There is exactly zero evidence of the bias they claim is so rampant. None. They have had every opportunity to present said evidence and have utterly failed to do so. It doesn’t exist. Continuing to claim it does is pure bad faith. There is no other way to interpret it. They are the anti-vaxxers of UP.

The tolerance for their continued nonsense is off the charts here for some reason. If there is any bias it’s in the direction of far too much rope given to this tiny group of posters who have waged an endless campaign, with zero evidence, for months now.

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There is an important difference. You are actually doing it.

Post some evidence of a bias. Any. I’m waiting.

Just a few posts up micro posted ACTUAL evidence there is no bias. He has banned more people than all mods (but goofy) and he is the one who has (for some inexplicable reason) been most on the side of the anti-realty crowd.