About Moderation (old original thread)

Which we have all been saying and Wookie tried to do.

I guess I don’t understand what alternative you’re suggesting?

I think multipart polls are too complicated for actual decisions, so I would prefer that we put whatever option appears to have the most support to a simple up/down vote.

E.g., resolved that there shall be 4 moderators with terms of [length] beginning on February 1, 2021; that these mods shall be eligible to serve additional terms [describe conditions for this]; [add part about no consecutive terms if that appears best]; [add procedure for selecting new mods when there are vacancies]


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All threads in About here are locked

One new thread is opened and OP contains the results of these recent polls.

One new poll is created containing language created using the winning sides of these previous polls.

It is a yes, no, abstain poll

It’s open for 48 hours.

Results are binding.

This is what I’m proposing in the RFC thread. We use multipart polls to see what’s most popular, then we draft text based on that, vote up or down on the text, and put the text to a final community up or down vote.

Lol, just noticed this in Wookie’s thread.

“ People are welcome to put up their own straw polls on their own ideas, new caveats, etc. ITT to see how people feel. I want to find a standard of gatekeeping that is broadly popular and that isn’t just me.”

WTF were people mad at Wookie about again? Making your own polls? He invited you to fucking do so! The brigade who turned this into such a shitshow should be ashamed of themselves.

Let’s not keep rehashing the wookie stuff please. We are making progress

Once more.

Yeah I think it just might be too ambitious to formalize the RFC process and reform moderator rules at the same time give the limited bandwidth/appetite for governance discussion

So maybe we can work out the mod language through an ad hoc RFC process, using the extant input from multiple threads, and work out the process for future RFCs once the mod question has been resolved.

The question of mod terms and succession seems like the most pressing issue

I haven’t said everything I want to on the topic. Of course, I think it hasn’t been discussed enough.

Yeah, I mean, who gives a shit about mod protection? You asked for feedback from people who would think about signing up for it, and PC and I both said we’d do it and we didn’t care about that at all. That it would work itself out. The rotating mod solution has mod protection built into it. Who’s going to whine and cry about a mod who’s gone in a few months? And who cares if they do whine and cry? It doesn’t matter.


Again gtfo with this. That poll is literally post #502 in a 700+ post thread that was made after Keed started a thread which essentially askef the questions you’re advocating for here:

He didn’t like where it was going and so took his own “strawman” poll. It was entirely in good faith I’m sure

Well, I think we should at least take one bite of the elephant, or else we’ll never finish it. Seems to me that we should establish a rule creation process, whether by RFC or whatever, to make our mod rules.

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It garnered a higher absolute number of voters than Keed’s term limits poll.

Lol pollaments

Probably because your closed Keeds thread after 92 posts and dumped on it incessantly while it was running? Maybe not though. You could just be better at the poll thing

In no particular order:

  1. Keed’s poll(s) were poorly crafted and should be ignored

  2. Having said that, we’d probably not want to rely too heavily on any recent poll

  3. It will be tricky to craft one or more polls on which the issues are related, dependent, and conditional.

  4. I know this is in the weeds, but is anyone concerned if all mods’ terms end on the same day? The next batch of mods will have nfi what to do.


Of course, mod terms should obviously be staggered. See meb’s proposal.

lol at comparing this to a congressional election. limits should be set on the number of terms of moderation


Not if it’s not very popular.