About Moderation (old original thread)

Jesus christ. No. The correct response to an embittered minority is to fix your institutions so they don’t feel ignored.

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We have no other method to make a community decision.

Here is my suggestion.

  1. all threads related to rules, modding, existing polls etc are temporarily locked for 48 hours.

  2. one new thread is opened with a poll at the top with the best version of what you suggested you can think of.

  3. that thread is open for 48 hours,

  4. as goofy suggest above it might need a few other polls in it to flesh out the new mod rules.

  5. after 48 hours whatever the community consensus is become forum rules.

I really think this could end this once and for all as long as step one is part of it.

I’d roll it out in this order.

Should mods have fixed-length terms?
If so, should mods be limited in how many consecutive terms?
If so, how long should those terms be? I prefer this order because I would vote for longer terms if the community agreed to term limits.

One of my concerns is that a) at some point there might not be enough volunteers to mod or b) we might have a situation where the only people who volunteer are people who shouldn’t be mods. I’m not willing to put my trust in the community that there will always be a steady stream of new and competent people willing to be mods.

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But if your embittered minority is embittered because they are stupid and have grievances based on things that are not true?

JFC we are going to have different polls that pass by yuge margins and they are going to say different things about term lengths and limits. This is absurd.

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I’m opposed to trying to rush the process and come up with a final solution.

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I mean I’d go with fix the institutions so they feel empowered? Not sure what the alternative is. Ethnic cleansing? Reeducation camps?

I don’t even know what this means. Joke?


See my post two up.

Term limits had very poor support compared to terms, but with no term limits.

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I think some people just want this to be over as soon as possible to create an orderly forum and that the pursuit of justice requires more diligence.

One might say that this is just some stupid little forum that almost no one reads and it’s silly to get worked up about something so inconsequential, but I would say that this has parallels to our current political crisis and we can learn a lot by carrying through this process. In some ways, we are like the Senate.

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Personal insults are not allowed


No it didn’t

You think it hasn’t been discussed enough? Really.

All options have been discussed. It’s time to vote and make a rule.

That you see zero risk of driving people from this site due to ongoing troll campaigns against the mods (or continued sniping against former mods) is a ridiculous oversight.

The second question just assumes a one year term limit as a given. Whether you answer yes or no, you are agreeing to a one year max term limit.

Thank you for the deceptive edit of my post.

Right. The answer to the first question makes this reasonable.

There is a massive middle ground between for life and one year max.

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am happy to find it