About Moderation (old original thread)

Not necessarily. But if 80% of the forum thinks the mod team is doing a great job and 20% are furious that’s a big problem if the 20% don’t feel like they’re heard by the mods chosen by the 80%.

Kinda feels like you could be describing QAnon.

I think it’s extremely unlikely that jal will continue or initiate an entirely new harassment campaign against new mods and if he did I think he would be rightfully laughed off. Your point that it emboldens future raconteurs to bully mods into submission has some merit, but if terms are only three months who gives a shit? Short terms are the key imo.


Yeah, exactly. That’s what drives conspiracy-minded thinking: a breakdown in trust of elite institutions.

I think it’s getting lost in all this nonsense but it seems to me term limits on mods has very widespread support when divorced from targeting particular mods.

Why not formally propose said term limits and have a community vote. I suspect it would be a rule pretty fast, no?

I don’t want to make another poll but something like

Should the forum officially adopt a 6 month term limit on mods at which point they either step down and are replaced or must be voted on by the community to remain for an additional term.

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let keeed lock the keeeed thead

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Like I don’t know how to say this nicely but…too bad? How is this not too bad?

That’s how a democracy works. They make their case. A vote happens and they win or lose.

6 month terms. No consecutive terms. Mod terms start now. No immediate removal.

In exchange you can ban jal for 2 months. If he objects, I’ll take his ban. Maybe throw in watevs.

Jk. Kinda.


I’ll take a two month ban if that’s agreed to.


This passes by a huge margin if put to vote right now. Do it.

What’s the proper response if you think that breakdown in trust is unjustified?

i think that this proposal will just cause more issues in 6 months which will become an election. Like it might be funny but it will also consume the forum.

i think that if there are people who want to mod and they have consensus of the forum they should just replace the existing mods in 6 months.

like this should happen naturally. this is the part I don’t get. why aren’t all the mods in favor of this. modding is energy consuming and at times ungrateful job. why not be in favor of changing that role every 6 months.


Whatever Hillary Clinton or Neera Tanden would do

What do you think they would do?

Make fun of the 20%. Call them names. Shit like that.


Yes, while those might not be the exact best “terms”, I think we are inevitably headed for such a denouement.

The sooner the better.

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I agree I like micros version. He should put it to vote. It will pass. For sure. This will all be over. Someone formally out it to vote. I don’t want to make another poll!


Maybe later. If other people like this idea post that you do. If there’s not much support here, probably not worth a poll. Also there’s a poll about no more polling.

So, the proper response to an embittered minority who are completely wrong is to make fun of them?

Do you believe that Wookie believes that this is an accurate description of his strongest critics and is he doing exactly what you think he should be doing if that were the case?

Something like that, but I don’t think it should be possible to serve consecutive terms. I might do this in the morning.