About Moderation (old original thread)

Perhaps I worded my point poorly. I meant don’t be posting in every thread about how terrible the modding is and following mods around the forum to make that point over end over again.

If we are a community site governed within a democracy at some point when an issue is raised and voted on the losing side has to accept it, no?

They have made their case that they think the modding is very bad and biased. A large part of the community has read their case MANY TIMES and remain unconvinced. That means they should not be allowed to pollute every thread on the forum making their case again.

I don’t see how this isn’t both fair and in the spirit of community decision making.

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Replacing the current group of mods entirely would, at least temporarily, solve all of these issues. I don’t even care who the new mods are, although I think PC and Keed would be fine. I’m ready for an entirely new batch of drama. This shit is beyond tired at this point.


There is no reason to think that the next mod who stepped into stop any of jal’s personal shots would not become the next target of his mod unfitness campaign. Or who locks a Keeeed thread, or takes action against any of the crew that voted to remove me and that has been carrying on about my unfitness for months now.


Probably not, but that isn’t an argument against new mods

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If that is why he left it’s pretty weak since as I said the community just doesn’t agree that the modding is biased. If one side is going to quit every time they fail to convince the community of their position we will be a pretty small forum. :grinning:

Yeah that’s not how it went at all but you carry on.

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I think it is foolish to give a small number of vocal, hostile posters exactly what they want in exchange for nothing. It’s ridiculous that a tiny minority should get to dictate when and if there’s a mod sweep when the mods have the full confidence of the vast majority of the forum.


But who gives a shit? Almost everyone will be happy with the new mods too. And you’ll rotate who will be upset on a regular basis. What difference does it make?


On most issues, I agree, and even to some extent here. But modding happens in every thread and people often comment on mod actions in the thread the action is taken, positively, negatively, whatever. If someone is known to have an opinion on a mod, that shouldn’t preclude them commenting also.

Now, someone barging into every thread, derailing every thread etc, yeah that’s not good and shouldn’t be put up with long-term. Without wanting to litigate how closely that matched jbro’s actions lately, don’t you agree that something like that is different when it’s from an account like jbro. Like there are people who weren’t born when he started posting who can legally drive now. It’s not like some blow-in just here to stir shit. In and of itself, it prompts serious questions about what is going on.

I’d say he has accepted it, which isn’t the same thing as ‘letting it go’. Again, this is a message board, it exists so people can say things. If people want to Carthago delenda est about whatever issue, assuming they aren’t being disruptive or derailing other threads, I don’t see the issue.

Because no mod should have to put up with this. Not for a year. Not for six months. Not for one month. Not for one week. I will not grant that sustained troll campaigns against any moderator work and are acceptable.

I was sort of under the impression that rotating mods had been loosely agreed on and I’m surprised there’s so much pushback against the idea. I don’t think it should be a big deal to be a mod (as I don’t think it’s a big deal to get temp-banned, have a post deleted etc). In fact, I could see a case for making jalfrezi a mod. If you’re right then a mile in your shoes might change everything.


What you’re doing now is precisely why I said you were gloating about him leaving.

Totally agree that someone like Jbro should be given a ton more rope on something like this. He wasn’t modded was he?

While he and I disagreed on how some of the other posters were modded I never thought he was arguing in anything but good faith.

He seemed to think jal and a few others were treated unfairly. I simply don’t agree with that assessment is all.

But this is where the homogeneity of the mods hurts. None of the mods voted to not censor ■■■■ . None of you were perceived to have any sympathy or understanding with that crowd. I don’t know the details on the campaign you’re talking about, I only became involved like a week ago. But there’s a representation issue. And yes, one approach is just saying that you’re right and we need to go scorched earth on people who attack mods, question mods, whatever. That might work but you might drive two or three or five posters from the site. That’s a lot. Another approach is to just let it go and take PocketChads advice. Let someone else push the plow for a while. Maybe you give the people you’re talking about a win that they don’t deserve, but in the grand scheme of things, why is that important?

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It’s not about giving rope or being modded, it’s about whether or not it should be treated as evidence there’s a problem.


Even if x month terms are deemed to be approved by someone (fucking polls) there is nothing to say Wookie has to vacate his post now. It seems like there was also a poll approving multiple terms, or was it unlimited? But let’s say 1 term of x months, you aren’t going to get a poll approved that forces Wookie to leave before that x month period starting on ratification is over with.

Edit: also, what the fuck is a sumey?

OK? I don’t care if Wookie vacates his post now. I’m not calling for him to be removed or whatever, I’m just saying that imo mods should rotate.

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Lol that’s quite the leap

Do all minority opinions deserve representation among the mods?

You’re not, but there seems to be a group of posters hell bent on it happening now. It seems pretty obvious mod terms are going to be implemented, and that obviously isn’t good enough for a few posters around here.