About Moderation (old original thread)

Good point, though I know that others with responsibilities here (ggoreo or goofy, getting them confused again) have a second account for the admin stuff that allows them to ignore posters on their main account (I think that’s right).

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I mean come on.

One one hand it’s “But you don’t post any content or explanation/interpretation with your links” and on the other it’s “when you’re posting your own content there are problems”.


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You’re welcome to go digging for a quote where I’ve scolded him for not commenting on his links, but I am not going to argue against your imagined hypocrisy.

Could it…might it…possibly be that there’s something else?

Like what?

Nowhere did I say both of those statements were yours.

I’m saying he’s getting horribly opposing advice on how to post better.

Lol, ridiculous bad faith lying. First, you continuously took shots at me while you allegedly “had me on ignore.” And then used the fact that you were pretending to have me on ignore to not respond when your shots were rebutted. Second, it was clear to everyone involved that you did not actually have me on ignore, because you just couldn’t help yourself.

Spreading misinformation is not equivalent to having a bad opinion.

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go on?

Then why are you telling me to “come on?”

Here you go:

and yet 24 hours later ~5 other euro countries confirmed cases (Brit gov letting france gov let french people know they also have problem, not the brits doing it for them)

That’s not misinformation - that’s another read that was confirmed 24hrs later

I meant it as “come on, see it from his point of view”.

I’m starting to think that some non trivial number of rows itf are the result of poor communication, often across the Atlantic.

Edit. And by that I mean both ways, just in case this gets misinterpreted too

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Yes, it is. Making concrete statements of fact that are unsupported by any evidence is called “making shit up.” That the speculation you passed off as fact does not become fact if shown to be correct subsequently. Passing off speculation as fact is misinformation. Always.

Your statement to me reads like you’re calling me out for making both of those statements. If that was not your intent, very well.

Difference in meaning in the phrase “Come on” in this context.

Sir, it would take far more than a trivial number of rows to cross the Atlantic, especially if you mean to go both ways! I know you Brits have words with different meanings, but you also misspelled “navigation” as “communication”.


I’m sure you recall that we used to fight on 2p2. I really learned in those fights to be a bit unsure about understanding between English speakers on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Yes I remember that, and it was definitely part of the reason for me too.

Maybe in a couple of years jman and I will be besty mates?