About Moderation (old original thread)

Sure and it will again. But it seems contained to one or two threads and not wrecking the whole forum endlessly.

Would not think most lurkers or even forum members, unless they are looking for it, see the drama.

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OK, fine, if we let you call politicians ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  in the UK thread will you simmer down? Iā€™ll vote for that.

I donā€™t think he cares if itā€™s banned and he said he would not use it afaik.

None of this is really about the word itā€™s about people who donā€™t like each other.


Itā€™s spilled over into the Covid thread already, and Churchill has decided heā€™s oppressed by me, too, because I keep correcting his claims on the state of science surrounding covid.

Entente cordiale? Sure.

Will you (pl) consider whether you (pl) are prepared to drop your (pl) use of words like spazz?

Yes, Iā€™m relentlessly hounded by Wookie, CN and Trolly in the Covid thread for posting mostly new info on the covid crisis. But I can and do ignore it.

Youā€™re a famous British statesman, you have to expect to be held to a far higher standard than others.

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I mean, I am hardly president of Wookieā€™s fan club, but Iā€™m pretty sure he is a scientist (and I think Trolly is too), so they probably know what theyā€™re talking about.

Yes, fine. Make a poll with your demands and letā€™s all vote on it. Iā€™ll vote for whatever it takes to stop this shit.

I am not a fan of the word either and it still makes me cringe when I see it but I see how this is going on a global internet and it is a losing battle at this point.

Are you open to the feedback that you very frequently post quotes from various places without any interpreation, editorial comment, or explanation of why youā€™re posting it? And that those types of posts can be frustrating to try to interpret?

Edit: This was mean and unnecessary in a moderation thread, since Iā€™m not a mod nor am I asking for someone to moderate @Churchill. Sorry for adding noise to this and for criticizing @Churchill, and I would delete this post if it wouldnā€™t make part of this thread incomprehensible.

But none of the bump and bickering had anything to do with Churchill.

I get his posting pisses people off in that thread but consider it a separate issue.

No one wants will to go. :frowning:

He did also say

Thereā€™s ggoreoā€™s widget to convert the word into something else even if he happens to stumble into a UK thread (unlikely).

Problem solved.

Itā€™s a fair question, as is the question of why people donā€™t use the ignore function.

The use of ā€œcentristā€ is just a way for people to slur others as holding different views then them.

Itā€™s pretty abhorrent, especially coming from ā€œprogressivesā€.

Although maybe the filter should replace ā€œcentristā€ with ā€œrealistā€ and ā€œprogressiveā€ with ā€œrainbow lickerā€?

Having ideological labels used derisively inside this community is both amusing and sad.

I am a centrist and I donā€™t give a shit if you spaz ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  call me one.


I used to do all that before the hounding - if itā€™s a quote with a link, itā€™s not me saying it so I get way less pushback.

Iā€™m a reg in the thread, not a post Iā€™ve missed since the start.

I can see Wookie trying to drag me in so will not comment further.

In my case, as treasurer, I donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate for me to ignore anyone, because it means that I canā€™t receive PMs from those ignored.

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Really, when heā€™s posting quotes and articles heā€™s been fine. Itā€™s when heā€™s editorializing about what he posts that he oversteps.

I donā€™t think of you as a centrist. Neither insult nor compliment. There are a lot of issues and some people are in the center on one and radical on another. I think youā€™re pretty radical on the issues I am most concerned about.

Churchill is fine. Having bad takes isnā€™t against any rules.

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