COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Does not say this:

Please be more careful with your commentary.

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To be far most of the MSM also assumes absence of evidence = evidence of absence as well.

yes, it sounds like those countries with advanced genomic surveillance have had a few weeks to test this new variant against blood plasma from those who were vaccinated a few weeks ago and the results are looking decidely dodgy

This will age as well as ‘wishcasting the UK variant on Europe’ after it is now found in 50 countires, ‘UK variant is nothing of concern, viruses always mutate, don’t ya know’ etc. etc.

Thanks for your input Wookie

Describing that as wish casting is still 100 percent true. Speculation doesn’t become evidence even if subsequent actual evidence proves it true.

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No, it was being able to read between the lines that when UK government states ‘there is concern this is in other countries’ it means they KNOW it’s already in Europe (they’ve done the surveillance) but it’s polite to let the governments of affected countrieslinform the citizens of their own country of this info first. Maybe do their own analysis. Otherwise, they might not believe, like you guys

No wishcasting

You have no evidence any of that is true

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This is a lot different than “studies showing” which you seem to have pulled out of your butt, and still took umbrage when wookie gently called you out on it.

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You just have to be over 65.

That’s great. Any idea if something like that is available in Bay Area? I checked a last week and I couldn’t find anything, but I’ll check again.

so basically nothing near what you’ve said

I may have a bit of tiny inside info. Some big honcho at my university said LA hopes to go my group - 1C (50-64 and a bunch of other stuff) sometime in “late Spring”. Yay. Here’s hoping the feds accelerate the process

Dunno. We signed them up on the LA County Public Health Department website.

What? No.

No, looks fairly accurate

My sister already added me to a list. Its possible i coule get one today if they have extra but if not possible i get one some time after

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In NH that cohort (it’s 2B here) is supposed to be April/May, so about the same.

Also confirmed vaccine good against UK variant but studies showing vaccine not so effective with SA and Brazil variants

No churchill. This is why you are maddening to talk with.

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Hey, this sounds great for you - a 30’s something guy with a slim chance of dying from this disease.

This seems so weird to me, being in a country where no-one under the age of 75yrs (other than health care workers), no matter the underlying condition have had the potentially life saving jab.

Is there not another elderly person you know, a higher risk case, who may not be able to transport themselves to the venue, who you could offer a ride and a jab to instead?

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