About Moderation (old original thread)



This response makes it seem like I’m not accurately paraphrasing the message you sent me.

You may well be right. But, confusion and anger are possibly an absolute 100% lock. There was certainly confusion and anger in the OOT contests. I think this is possibly workable, but really needs to be approached in the right way. Like, it might not work without considerable politicking behind the scenes just to get a bunch of people on board with the idea of setting up a poll that decides when polls are binding so that when the idea comes up it gets enough reinforcement/momentum to have a successful turnout.

No, I just don’t really care that I gave you an incomplete explanation for a 100% correct moderator decision that didn’t even impact you.


@goofyballer - I stand by my earlier post.

Potato and whosnext have volunteered already and that was really without trying hard. Not that you shouldn’t be mod, just that it’s certainly not obvious that it will be hard to find people to do it.

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That’s the spirit of a good employee.

I am not an employee.

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He doesn’t care so much that he sent me a PM about it.

An unpaid employee, yes. You’re basically an intern.

That you keep failing to understand the role of mods on this forum is a major part of the problems you’ve experienced with some of us over the past few weeks.

This is at least the third time this has been explained to you. I have no issue with your time keeping or attire, but please could you better acquaint yourself with the limits of the mod role and its duties?

Right. Lesson learned. Next time I’ll just say nothing.

Fine job you’re doing here.

The feeling that one has some obligation to weigh in on things is terrible imo in pretty much all cases, but anyway, I’ll post this:

Mods are not employees. They aren’t saints sacrificing so much that they need constant thanks for their volunteer service. But they aren’t employees. Just posters/members and regular humans.


Yeah that sure is an accurate take.

no, i disagree. The fact that no one really wants to weigh in on things and how things should be done is how we have the problems we do. Apathy is killing us. More people should weigh in, not fewer.

That’s great, I have no desire to be a mod

Mods have been showing an admirable, perhaps unwise degree of restraint over the past few weeks.


I was trying to introduce some much-needed levity into an otherwise tense situation. I didn’t realise you all took it so seriously.

I mean, we’re constantly hearing what snowflakes we are for complaining about unfair bannings, about how it’s “serious business on the internet” etc, and you can do nothing if you want and pretend you were away ffs.

That’s not exactly what I meant. In this case I meant that I felt an obligation to stand up for Wookie there. Not that I didn’t mean what I said, but that I was concerned that people would like me less if I didn’t take a stand. Something like that.

As far as apathy? Most people on the site just want to post and be entertained. Nothing we can do to change that. Can we do something to change the fact that many people are here want to see their enemies punished and want this sort of drama to continue indefinitely? Probably not.

Oh, right, personally belittling the same guy you’ve been waging a sustained insult campaign against across multiple threads is hilarious.