About Moderation (old original thread)

I proposed a rule i would vote against!

People who have a history of going at each other, dont care who started it, disrupting things dont get to talk to each other or they get temp banned. Pull the car over.


Itā€™s an interesting choice of words.

Most people donā€™t feel belittled by being an employee.

This would be good and Iā€™d support it if it was enforceable. But some people will always find ways to refer obliquely enough to their target in chats with others to allow them to wriggle out of accusations of rule breaking.

I might support giving it a trail period of a month or so, but how are the ā€œwarring couplesā€ defined? I guess we could run a poll on whether or not to add couple XY to the warring couples list, but itā€™s a lot more work for mods to monitor.

Iā€™m sure your confusion here is in good faith, because you definitely didnā€™t see ggoreoā€™s post where he felt so belittled by your comments when he wasnā€™t even the subject of them in which he clarified how belittling they are.

I may have made the erroneous presumption that people pay attention to me, but thatā€™s the thing I did that precipitated fuckyoubanme.

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I assumed you were talking about yourself because itā€™s a charge thatā€™s been levelled at me before.

Yeah any rule will be bent and there would need to be judgment calls. As far as who gets put in timeouts? A poll?

Its not a perfect rule but this is all getting old.

Wait, what? I didnā€™t say anything about what I said to get me banned last night, only why I said it.

As nicely as I can put it, that sounds like bloodlust. Do you think some temp-bans are going to change this? Do you want temp-bans just because you expect them to escalate to permas? If so, just make the polls for perma.

I say start it. I support a feud rule.

:( People really donā€™t pay attention to me.

The feud rule was commonwealth, jalfrizi, fidget and jman. I think all four were banned within hours of the rule. It precipitated commonwealthā€™s many ghost accounts and departure (though he had asked to be permaā€™d before that happened).

Itā€™s worth a shot.

I hearted this but I can imagine multiple interpretations. To clarify, Iā€™m hearting your thought process and reasoning, not the idea of you stepping down.


Asked what you think will happen. Hoping youā€™ll answer honestly. Thereā€™s also a chance that temp-bans make things worse. Is that still worth a shot without weighing the two possible outcomes? Do you not care if it makes things worse?

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I dont even know how to make a poll.

There is an old worn out joke that should go here.

Come on man, nobody was whining.

Ah. I owe you an apology. Sorry, I mistook you for the mod goofyballer (itā€™s a problem Iā€™ve had for a long time here with your names). I guess this being the moderation thread threw me into that error.

You do great work here - zz and jmakin now too - so please donā€™t think itā€™s not appreciated.


It seems to have worn off if nothing else, as there have been mentions without temp bans. I also think that we should expand this to new feuds.

Maybe we get a few days of rest from this shitshow? Maybe ggegoreo doesnā€™t quit in frustration?

What good do you think comes of letting this continue endlessly? I hope youā€™ll answer honestly.

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