About Moderation (old original thread)

That’s a horrible ban. I didn’t know it was against the rules to point out when a mod is being hypocritical.


I see the UK crew is at it again.

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If by that you mean being banned for nothing, yes I guess you’re right.

And threatening to ban people for posting the c word in politics (not me) is against forum rules that the community voted on.

So calling somebody “foundationally unlikeable” is a personal attack that needs to be moderated, but calling multiple people idiots and assholes and telling them to fuck off is apparently acceptable.

Good job mods, you bunch of *****.


Incorrect! The title of that thread is “Log of Key Moderator Actions.” It’s not, “Another Thread to Bitch and Moan.”

I flagged both posts because they don’t belong there, not because there was name-calling or insults thrown around.

I’m not doing this perfectly obviously, perhaps not even well, but my objective has been to try to do things that decrease the personal attacks. If I think temp-bans are going to backfire and make things worse, I’m not going to do them. Even just saying something can fan flames.

Are moderators serving finite terms? I’m behind the times here

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Not really. Micro wants it that way. We haven’t had a lot of volunteers to have a much more extensive rotation than switching back and forth between subsets of the same 10ish people every term, whatever that might be.

Is there a process for implementing terms? Just a straight up/down vote or what would it take?

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There’s no process for anything other than you’ll know it when you see it. A reasonably clear poll with reasonable participation and perhaps a slightly clear and stable margin is what has been working for setting policies.

I was told personally by @MrWookie that the d2 post was hidden today due to it being a personal attack. The only thing in the post I could see qualifying as a personal attack was, “foundationally unlikeable,” so I assumed it was that.

my understanding, from stuff mods have posted, is that anyone can feel free to make a poll at any time and if the community decides something, that’s a mandate to act on it.

But I think it would go a long way to define what constitutes a “legally binding” poll. Like maybe a minimum participation level, minimum participation level for voters, and a few other things to make the process a little less opaque.

I see issues with governing this way but since it’s what we’ve decided, let’s at least make it a little bit more clearly defined.

And it was in the wrong place. Coming back and whining to the mods about why you were banned while doing the very thing you were banned for, even if it’s more muted language this time, is always a bad look.

On the one hand I totally agree with this. On the other, this has been tried and was a nightmare. And, this decision about what constitutes a binding poll can only be decided by a poll! And one that few people will care enough to participate in.

If the perfect person for the job composed the perfect poll and placed it perfectly in time and space it might work.

The good ones are, the uh less good ones aren’t. Unstuck - it’ s how we roll.

Would you consider becoming a mod?

You never mentioned that in the PM. Just that d2 coming back and making another personal attack (i.e. - the hidden post I asked about) after being banned for a personal attack wasn’t allowed.

So @goofyballer if I was “totally wrong” about why the posts were hidden please take it up with wookie.


It will be a little arbitrary. But, just look at the elaborate voting rules we used to have in OOT for mundane contests like “who is the hottest woman this year.” This is a little more substantive, and we can’t manage to do that as well?

Of course it is gonna be a hassle and probably a lot of arguing over it, but it’s gotta be better than making decisions based on vague rules that leave a lot of room for confusion and anger.

Only if literally nobody else volunteers

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