About Moderation (old original thread)

That’s cool and all, but the majority of posters specifically opposed moderation of the c-word outside of explicitly sexist usage.

That would be ideal I think

Sure, but I think a mod choosing the “ignore” button on a flagged post doesn’t really let another mod take action on it all that easily.

I guess I’ll stop hitting “ignore” and just live with the red dot.

That’s a very good solution.

Any chance you could do one for the word sp*zz that Brits find offensive and that I personally don’t want to see?

I don’t like it raining on the weekends, can you stop that too?


That’s barbaric.

Both double dashes and em-dashes should be banned on sight, or replaced with an unreconstructed c word.

I think the way the word “centrist” is used around here is far more harmful to the community than the other c-word. It’s usually a gross misrepresentation of someone’s ideology, almost always hurled as some sort of insult.

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I’m honestly not sure why it bothers anybody. Even though it clearly does. (And when I saw this post had 1 like I correctly guessed Clovis before clicking to see.)


Because it’s just patently untrue. Calling someone like me a centrist is ridiculous. It’s offensive to people because they are not centrist and being lumped in with a group of people on a board where this word has an extremely negative connotation. I don’t identify with centrist policies, and I spend a lot of my day yelling at people on facebook that are the stereotypical milquetoast edems most of us think are the root cause of a lot of issues in this country. I can think of VERY few people here that meet the criteria of what I would call an American “centrist” democrat. We all for the most part support the same progressive policies. Why throw that word around?

That’s why it pisses ME off, maybe it pisses others off because they’re actually centrists and are mad about the way the word is used negatively? I don’t know. I don’t think that’s where clovis is coming from, personally, I think he’s more aligned with how I feel about it. He can feel free to correct me, maybe I’m wrong.


There will never be language that is non-sexist in the opinion of someone who wants it to be sexist. Meaning is too dynamic and in-the-eye-of-the-beholder to ever clean it up. However, I think having the conversation and asking people to examine their motives is useful.

tl;dr Hiding bad language from people doesn’t make the world a better place.

I’ll flip mine, if it really bothers people that much that they won’t post here anymore because of it.

Seriously? All they have to do is join snoreo’s group.

A word ban seems horribly authoritarian.

In 20 years the US will be using it as we do now. People on US TV shows weren’t even allowed to say “toilet” up until the 1990s.


Doubt it. That’s not the direction we’re going. We may well be saying “fuck” and “shit” on network TV, but The C-Word isn’t moving that direction - unless it’s being used by women as a take over the word kind of thing I guess.

Cunt is a long way behind fuck though. It’s being heard in US films where it never was before, and as it gains acceptance and starts losing its power to shock it will become the new fuck word.

Some people want to move the Overton window to define centrism as anything within the Democratic Party to the right of democratic socialism.


Really seems like you should have gone for some kind of joke there. Maybe you really don’t use the c-word that way!

I considered it after typing it but couldn’t phrase it well enough, so left it hanging there ready for plucking.

You are filling 4 separate threads with complaining.

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