About Moderation (old original thread)

No, that was in direct response to Sabo stirring shit by coming out of nowhere posting for new mods despite doing no other posting in the forum for months, and despite the fact that we had zero drama with the current mods for months. Nice try though.

sabo posts a lot in the mlb thread

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I seem to be getting along with you just fine now. You havenā€™t been smearing me at every opportunity even when I havenā€™t been around, and Iā€™ve responded in kind. Imagine that.

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Worth pointing out that the avatar thing started again because Jbro called me a pedophile, so I converted my avatar to one stating ā€œpedophileā€ and somehow that was me trolling Frezi I guess.

Your avatar of a woman holding her nose at stinky food stated "pedophile "?


Oh ok

I mean, I know you know the order of how things happened because youā€™re on the ā€œother forumā€ so Iā€™m not engaging with this bad faith bullshit.

it was the old weird guy from family guy, which I interpreted as a friendly way to make a joke out of the insult, which was kind of funny. all parties involved seemed to have calmed down about it til it started blowing up here again.

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You lost any chance to actually promote change when you continually toned police one side for the last 2 years. (And goofy no, Iā€™m not interesting in you dredging up the handful of posts where Trolly might have tone policed the other side. Tone policing one side 98 percent of the time might as well be 100 percent.)

I canā€™t even keep up with my own walrus reveal over there.

I know the order is pedophile and then woman holding nose. I couldnā€™t imagine anyone said any avatar other than the woman holding nose was one that trolled Jal. But if they did, thatā€™s pretty funny, and a bad look for my team


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Any chance you can develop an add on that lets people ignore just the bad posts? I think that would solve a lot of problems


Yeah I just donā€™t get how that was trolling Jal, or the connection between that and the woman holding her nose

Iā€™m missing some steps here

Actually, the order was pedophile, then jalfrezi changing his avatar, then @otatop making a ā€œlol Jalfrezi changed his avatarā€ post, then nothing, and then I changed mine. But you know this.

i dont fully understand either and i was paying attention

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Slow mode engaged.

Originally yes, but not for like the last 2 years

The phrase he invented and has repeated many times is ā€œstinky ethnic foodā€, and is racist as hell.

Lol, typical. If ever you needed an example of which ā€œsideā€ cares about the forum, and which side is just here to lol at the place burning down, here it is.

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