About Moderation (old original thread)

The first two posts were at least on topic, I just moved all the ones that were discussing my moderation request.

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Well I would disagree that it doesn’t stifle conversation. I made my comment and I’ll end it here, not a big deal.

This has already happened no? Years and years of fighting over moderation, with the result being active membership dwindling from 150 ----> 25, all in an effort to appease like 3 posters who are terrified of the scroll button.


I would love to see your list of 3 posters if you don’t mind.

I don’t think we can place all the blame on wookie et al. Some splintering was inevitable.

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lol this place has way more than 25 active users

As I mentioned in the Emoji thread, I can’t use a keyboard or mouse these days due to tendonitis, so the thought of using a scroll wheel or button does indeed terrify me


Oh I think there’s plenty of blame to go around on all sides

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Almost as if Wookie wasn’t actually the problem!

Wookie has always been the problem. He will always be the problem. Wookie is the Hillary Rodham Clinton of this forum. In 40 years from now when our children are shitposting about the Barron Trump Administration, posters will still complain about Wookie’s moderation for the lack of quality posting on this website.


Agreed unironically


He was clearly deemed by 2/3 of the forum to be enough of a problem to be de-modded AND then fail in his quest to regain what he probably regards as his rightful mod status.

Sorry you lost your favourite judge but it’s probably time to get over it.

7 minutes later


I miss wookie’s double blind taste test liquor reviews, how the mighty have fallen

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Please feel free to debate/discuss current moderation issues, but let’s not re-re-re-re-litigate past moderators and issues.

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Serious question, why can’t people just talk about whatever they want to talk about?

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That’s not how we do things around here. It’s my way or the highway.

Sounds like you’d like a mod-free forum where you’re free to talk about anything you want. Oh well.

Bringing this post here to extract it from the Ukrapto thread since it’s more of a meta discussion, but it does sometimes seem impossible to lower the temperature. Like the bad blood has simmered too long and there’s no going back.

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We’ve tried that. It didn’t work.