About Moderation (old original thread)

That does not square with my experience in that other thread, and it is certainly not relevant or on topic here. Hard pass, please and thank you.

Sorry we are having a forum meta discussion that’s been allowed to continue for multiple days. You don’t have to like or agree with my points, but I’m still going to make them anyway.

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Duly noted. I do not like those points, nor do I agree with them.

We had basically 6 months of no drama because certain people weren’t here, then the poker thread becomes a place for jal and jbro to attack CW when they never post about poker and don’t give two shits about the game.

Yet, they’re somehow martyrs here. Truly amazing.


I have dozens of posts ITT talking about the streams and watch them frequently. But keep lying liar.

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Argue with the post, not the poster.

Which of my posts do you object to?

So let’s talk about SenorKeeed’s suspension as mentioned in the Ukraine thread

I don’t know exactly why Keeed was silenced but it’s fair to say that CN has been pretty consistently poking Keeed in the thread looking for a response:

MaxCut raised this point last weekend and when he quoted both sides it didn’t seem as bad to me as just looking at CN’s posts. If you absolutely feel the urge to reply to SenorKeeed posts loling at him maybe just try putting him on ignore.


I agree - and raised this issue in the mod forum. Recently there has been an uptick in people poking their forum enemies, presumably to start a fight (and maybe trying to get the other person moderated). Often the poker is doing it in a way that isn’t bad enough to get moderated, but is doing consistent poking, which at some point is likely to generate the desired response.

My view is that it’s unfair to only moderate the person who responds (even if there response is the only one that clearly crosses the line), and that perhaps we should be more pro-active in stopping stuff before it gets out of hand - in particular when it’s two people that have a history.

I’m not going to call out names here, as I’m pretty sure everyone who is engaged in this behavior knows exactly what they are doing.

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Arguments happen. They get prolonged when both sides insist on getting the last word in. Punish the people who can’t self-throttle and end up in a back and forth where they repeat the same point without adding any new info. Give combatants a warning that they have to let one or more people post something substantive before they can reply to each other.

I have no objections to heated substantive arguments - but people are poking their enemies in random threads about random old stuff completed unrelated to the current topic.


Some of the arguments that lead to bans seen to be from people who ignore the software’s warning about responding too often to another poster. Maybe mods should give less leeway to posters who have clearly ignored that caution.

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I know that no one is going to believe this but I honestly thought commonWealth was the other poster Tilted silenced which is why I cross posted Tilted’s be nice warning to the Poker News and Live Streams thread.

I’ve unsilenced CN now, too.

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I’m not going to speculate on the rest because I genuinely have no idea what (if anything) caused Tilted’s response but

Posts like this are unhelpful regarding the whole “We have had numerous historical bad blood beefs bleed into topics that I don’t find healthy for the forum.” issue.


Lol no.

Are we actually crimping down on two regular posters discussing a war that is literally live right now that is destroying civilizations and possibly lead to ww3 and the butthurt that’s too much to ignore is much smart and brainiac?

I’d prefer to slow down the process of UP ending up being a total of 10 posters arguing about moderation.


Who does “he” refer to in this post?


I’m not really blaming you but I found bbb7 and micro’s posting amongst others very informative in here. I’ve seen threads start off with good content only to get completely broken over bullshit whining over silly verbatim. You’re never going to eliminate that hostility completely unless you shrink this place down to the tiniest of flakes who end not knowing shit about anything other than what bothers them. I’d prefer that UP allows what’s left for discussion on this topic if that has to include a few mean words like smart and brainiac.


I was referring to jmann posting “Excellent point, much smart.” and then Max replying “Braniac.” Those two have a history and I was hoping they would stop before things went off the rails. If they want to keep discussion something substantive that’s fine, but I was just asking them to do so without personal attacks - I don’t think that’s stifling discussion.

I was taking no issues with bbb7 and micro’s posts.

Unless you’re still working on it, you forgot to move jman’s post here.