About Moderation (old original thread)

My goodness the Captains forum must be dying or bored this weekend.

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Itā€™s been a but less dull here recently than usual for me, what with liberals accusing female poker players of cheating without any hard evidence, bans and exciting votes.

On the off-chance that youā€™re serious, maybe dad more and forum less?


in the immortal words of richard simmons:

ā€œeveryone needs a hugā€

On the off chance that youā€™re serious, kindly fuck yourself.

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That thread wouldnā€™t be hurt by a throttle.

shocked to see yuv posting in the middle of a shitstorm making it worse again.

Stop picking at his carcass.

If I was banned, I didnā€™t notice?

Cā€™mon it would be impossible to make that thread any worse

Sounds like a challenge.

CN: Hold my beer

Cliffs are Clovis took like 9 shots at me, I ignored them and didnā€™t report them, then I blew up at him and told him to f off a few times and got post(s) hidden, so I said ok fine Iā€™m reporting all of his now. AFAIK nobody was banned or moderated other than me. Itā€™s whatever, I donā€™t really care.

Yes, having posts hidden is being moderated.

I said fuck off and stfu after I let him call me a Qanoner, troll, conspiracy nut, and liar for two days. A few others told him he had been out of line and he doubled down that he was not. The post with the f word got hidden so I said fine, Iā€™m reporting all of these other ones that I let slide then.

Petty? Sure, but I never criticized the mods.

Again, I didnā€™t criticize the moderation, I just said if Iā€™m going to get posts hidden for telling him to fuck off after a series of personal attacks, Iā€™m flagging the personal attacks now instead of giving him the free pass I was giving. Mods did nothing with the flags afaik, and I havenā€™t commented on that at all. If they think heā€™s in the right and Iā€™m in the wrong, they should act accordingly.

So CW is allowed to defend himself and go off on Clovis, but Keed isnā€™t allowed to defend himself from ridiculous accusations? Really nice forum you have here.

It was discussed with other mods that this was becoming an issue forum wide across threads.

CN and Keed were the first since the discussion. Iā€™m not going to retroactively go back and moderate posts based on a discussion that was just had this morning.

lol i didnt even see this one. I only posted on the poker news thread and my postings there had been award winning stellar. I wish i knew what this was about

Where were all these guys when Church was getting banned and having posts deleted (many of which were sourced from trustworthy journals and publications like BBC and turned out to be accurate!) merely because certain people didnā€™t want to hear the bad news? All of this under the justification that ā€œinnocent lurkers could be duped into becoming terrible anti-vax adjacentā€ monsters LMFAO.

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