About Moderation (old original thread)

Hapoy Friday


Itā€™s really unfortunate.

A lot of good posters have left or post much less frequently because of this.

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It seems to me like the Ukraine threads are a proxy war for the old teams/powers

Yea so just let it all out innit. Trying to moderate it out of existence has clearly failed.

One of the first things we did when we moved to Exiled was celebrate finally being able to talk shit on David, Mat, Mason, etc without fear of retribution.

It has not failed. Itā€™s been so much better. The usual suspects have come back for some reason from their modless utopia to stir up shit again.


thereā€™s been very little squabbling for months now. Wonder what changed.

people used to make claims at the site dying back when I still had access to that data, it was never true, I really doubt it is now.


But David, Mat, Mason, et al were not there.

Who is it that you canā€™t talk shit about without retribution here?

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Thereā€™s less squabbling because thereā€™s a lot less content and people lol

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Is there actually less on topic posting, or has the signal to noise ratio just improved?

Yeah this. We went literally months without any issues. Then the Captains clearly got bored with their own forum and all coincidentally decided to come back at the same time.

Maybe thereā€™s trouble in their little utopia.

@goofyballer, carrying a response to your post over here because it seems like more of a Friday discussion now.

I agree that itā€™s relatively boring, but the entire purpose of his posting style is to shut discussion down. He admits it himself in this post, that what microbet was doing was wrong, implying that he had to come correct it.

I donā€™t know if this is an issue that can be solved via moderation, so maybe this isnā€™t the right place, idk, but it would be pretty cool if this was the kind of place where a ā€œpros and cons of US interventionalismā€ conversation could last more than a couple hours before turning into a proxy fight.

what evidence do you have this is true? any admins care to verify?

Purely anecdotal with the exception of noticing an obvious trend in poll participation, but I find it hard to imagine that most would disagree.

I post with a USB steering wheel

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Yea I agree, and that was actually part of what prompted me to write this post too:

UP traffic is

  • Higher
  • Lower
  • About the same
  • Bastard

0 voters

I donā€™t mean to single you out, but I donā€™t think continued use of the terms ā€œCaptainsā€ to refer to a group of current and former posters is helpful. Just like I donā€™t think rehashing complaints about moderation by Wookie or other former mods is productive.

Sure there could be some special cases where this type of discussion could actually prove useful, but I think a good rule of thumb would be just not to make these types of posts.

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I also donā€™t think JMan should be dredging up Wookieā€™s mistakes and insulting him for losing his rightful throne to a bunch of deplorables

I just donā€™t think bans and hiding posts are very effective tools in most cases for improving forum discourse

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